Chapt 25 - Silk Village 1

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They asked around WaXi Town about the alley. Most people refused to say but during the afternoon, they finally gathered some information.

There was a small village at the end of the alley. It was a popular location but a few years ago, a group of cultivators had taken over the village. They had wild dogs near the entrance of the alley and no one knew what happened to the villagers as they hadn't come out since.

That group of cultivators would occasionally come to WaXi Town and act like bullies, hence the locals won't say anything about them.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying decided that they should go to the village. However, they had to consider the wild dogs.

"We can mount our swords." Lan Zhan suggested.

Wei Ying shook his head, saying "What if I fall because of the dogs?"

Lan Zhan didn't say anything. He sent out BiChen and pulled Wei Ying's waist to him. They were facing each other. Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's waist and jumped on BiChen.

"Lan Zhan! What are you doing?" Wei Ying exclaimed, while taking in Lan Zhan's sandalwood scent.

"I'll hold you so you won't fall." Lan Zhan replied, while thinking that Wei Ying's waist is very small and that Wei Ying's body fitted right in his arms. He was happy to have such close contact with Wei Ying.

When they saw the dogs and heard them barking, Wei Ying hid his face in Lan Zhan's chest. "Lan Zhan..."

"I'm here" Lan Zhan said, while speeding up. BiChen flew for quite some distance before they could finally see a little of the village.

They stopped near the front of the village. Suddenly, they were attacked by something. They turn around but the attacker was fast and jumped out of sight.

They followed the attacker and ended up at the side of the village. The attacker finally came out and charged at them but Wei Ying caught the attacker. The attacker was a maiden.

"Why did you attack us?" Lan Zhan asked.

"You're here to join that group of cultivators right, of course i'll attack you!" The attacker shouted.

"Pretty maiden, we're new here. We were just checking this place out." Wei Ying said.

"Re-Really? You're tricking me" The attacker said with doubt.

"Pretty maiden, I won't hurt you but could you tell me more about this village? We heard that a group of cultivators took over this place? We are more than willing to help a pretty maiden!" Wei Ying said with a flirting tone.

Lan Zhan's fist curled up. 'He's still flirting?'

The maiden decided to trust the two of them and started telling them the story of this village. "This village is called Silk Village. We produce silkworms and make clothes, fabrics and scarfs. Business here thrived. It was a good place for tourists and despite the long alley, people would still come in very often. Until 5 years back, a group of cultivators came. They placed their guard dogs at the entrance of the alley to prevent people from going in and out."

"So... what happened to you people?" Wei Ying asked.

"We... They... They chained up the men and made them the labourers. They kept women chained in an area and used them for their own pleasure. They brought the kids along with them for their night hunts. The strong ones would be praised and taught how to fight, the weak ones often bullied and used as... as bait..." The maiden stuttered.

Wei Ying let go of the maiden's arm. "Ridiculous! How dare they treat people lile that. To think that they are cultivators. So shameful! But... what is their motive for doing so? And why are you out here roaming about?"

"I'm an orphan, since young I started living in an abandoned hut at the back of the village. Even so, the villagers here were always nice to me and treated me as a part of them... On the day it happened, I was gathering medicinal herbs from the mountain at the back. By the time I came back... some of them were killed... the rest were separated and chained up. I know the men who were locked at the underground silkworm cage area. They told me what happened and told me to run away. I didn't want to leave them. I... Especially after I saw what was done to the women. I wanted to at least bring the children with me. However on the night hunt... they were so cruel... how can they? He was just a little kid and they threw him in front of that... that fierce corpse..." The maiden said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why didn't you run away and ask for help?" Wei Ying asked, while patting her back.

Lan Zhan frowned a little at the sudden contact. He thought it wasn't necessary for Wei Ying to pat her back.

The maiden replied "I tried... I tried so many ways. I went by the alley but dogs... There were so many... I couldn't beat them. If I attacked, they came at me together... I realised that there were more dogs than those that came out. They hid in even more advantageous areas, where they could attack if the rest failed."

Wei Ying froze. 'There were even more dogs?' He shook his head at the thought of more dogs coming out to attack them.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying. He noticed them hiding when he mounted the swords but decided that Wei Ying had no need to know.

"I tried escaping from the mountains but... there were cultivators surrounding the area. They seemed stronger than me, I... I didn't know how to fight. My mother left me this sword and these past few years I have been trying to get stronger to escape. However, I'm not at a level where I can mount my sword like your did." The maiden continued.

Pictures are all found on google. There are so many amazing ones out there ❤

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