Chapt 4 - Water Ghouls 1

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"Sect leader, some villagers in Caiyi Town have came complaining that there are water ghouls in Biling lake." A disciple of Gusu Lan Sect reported to Lan XiChen.

"Hmm, alright. I'll get WangJi to handle it." Lan XiChen said, summoning a golden butterfly to send a letter to Lan Zhan.


"Hey, have you heard? The Biling Lake is filled with water ghouls. I heard that a ghoul was washed up and after being cleaned up, no one recognised or claimed him! The water ghouls have been sinking many ships. How are we going to continue our business?" A fisherman said to another. Hearing this, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying looked at each other.

WWX: "Hey! Let's go check it out together!"

Lan Zhan walked ahead without responding, wondering why he even turned to look at Wei Ying.

As they were walking towards Biling Lake, a golden butterfly flew towards Lan Zhan and landed by his ear. Lan Zhan then nodded his head and said "Noted" before the butterfly flew off.

Wei Ying immediately took the chance to comment on it, "Woah! What was that? Seems like a message was sent to you? What did it say? Or do you understand butterfly language? Hahaha."

Lan Zhan shot Wei Ying a glance. Wei Ying thought, 'Hmm, this guy indeed came from a somewhere prominent! Why have I not heard of such a rich and handsome guy! Tch, I'm sure this guy would be a better partner than that Lan WangJi. Such a waste this guy is so cold!"

As they got on 2 separate fishing boats, Wei Ying asked "Hey, is water ghouls, boat sinking or drowning a common occurrence in this area?"

LWJ: "No."

"Oh! You finally talked to me! Hehehe" Wei Ying grinned sheepishly. Lan Zhan frowned slightly, turned around and started paddling. Wei Ying paddled his boat too, while grinning wider and wider as he realised how fun it was to tease this cold guy.

"No? But water ghouls are picky about their area." Wei Ying said, getting back to business. "They mostly settle on the place they drowned at. Looks like these corpses were chased here from another location. Say, water ghouls are very clever. If we use the boats and take our time like this, they can just hide underwater and not come out!"

Lan WangJi replied, "We will wait until we find them."

Wei Ying was just about to get bored when he saw the bottom of the boat Lan Zhan was on. "Hey hey! Turn this side! Look at me!"

Lan Zhan who was keeping a sharp lookout looked at Wei Ying with the corner of his eyes, only to see Wei Ying's bamboo paddle sweep up a splash of water and strike it toward him. Lan Zhan immediately jumped and landed on Wei Ying's boat. Thinking that Wei Ying was still fooling around, Lan Zhan got quite angry and said with a heavy tone, "Pathetic!"

However, Wei Ying used his paddle to flip over his boat, revealing three water ghouls. He immediately shot Sui Bian towards them, cutting them into half.

As I said, cultivation stuff will be closely followed with MDZS !!

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