BTS - request

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- in which bts are entranced by your performance and find themselves craving more; requested by @Bri_Bri202

Breathless, the seven men allow themselves to be lowered into darkness, their cheeks beginning to throb with how long they've been grinning. After all, they'd be heartless not to with the way their fan's cheers continue to echo throughout the stadium long after they've left the stage.

"Good job tonight, guys," Jin beams as he crouches down a little so the makeup artist can wipe at the drops of sweat dotting along his forehead. She nods in agreement with a small smile of her own as the other men all chuckle to themselves, the feel of their hearts inflating with pride too satisfying to be expressed in words.

"Do we need to head back out?" Jimin asks curiously, lazily unbuttoning his shirt as his breath comes out in short pants. Namjoon hums thoughtfully at the question, his eyebrows beginning to knit together as he ponders on the answer.

Luckily for him, it clicks within a second of being asked.

"Yeah, there's a new artist performing her song for the end of the show," he explains tiredly, glancing over to see the other guys listening intently. "After that, we'll be able to leave."

"Speaking of leaving," Jungkook mumbles bitterly as the stage director allows himself to enter the dressing room and inform the makeup artists that they have a few minutes left until the boys have to come back.

Hoseok, wasting no time in making his way over to his designated makeup artist, ruffles Jungkook's hair as he passes, the gesture a sure reminder to think positively of the remainder of the night and not let something as minuscule as the stage director bum him out.

And it seems that this reminder was not only made clear to Jungkook as all seven boys begin to hope for a pleasant end to the night, the deafening cheers from the stage above them gradually beginning to quieten down into a soft murmur of silence.

With a humble grin, Namjoon leads his group to their seats, bowing respectively to the idols that stand from their seats to greet him with sweet praises and warm smiles. Quickly making sure that everyone's there, he finally allows himself to relax, shoulders slumping the minute he sits himself down.

As much as he loves performing, he'd be lying if he said that it didn't drain the life out of him.

Lazily, he drags his gaze to the stage, practically counting down the minutes until he's able to go home and sleep. He straightens when the lights on the stage dim, a signal of there being someone about to perform, his mind just barely recalling the conversation from before.

In all honesty, Namjoon's heard a lot about you. Having only debuted a couple of months ago, it's a monumental achievement to be able to say that your music has made shockwaves all around the world. Within the first few days of your album release, you had created a fan base worthy of an award.

Y/N, he's pretty sure your name is.

He hums curiously to himself, crossing one leg over the other as he now finds himself eagerly awaiting your performance. After all, someone who can break records like those ones so effortlessly is certainly someone he wants to be paying attention to.

The lights on the stage suddenly flick off as the entire room is descended into darkness. Namjoon clasps his hands in front of him, the corners of his lips twitching when he hears the sound of heels hitting the stage floor echo throughout the stadium.

Then, the lights come back to life with the familiar intro of a song that Namjoon knows all too well.

He can't help the smile on his face as he glances to his side to see all six of his band mates suddenly squirming in their seats to the beat of the music. Rolling his eyes fondly at their behaviour, he wastes no time in returning all of his attention to the stage, eyes widening when they land on you.

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