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there is another imagine after this that is similar but you know, i'm up for sweet and totes cliché moments so it embrace it, babes. btw based of experiences at school uwu

Taehyung hates the rain.

He hates the way it makes his skin cold when it runs down the length of his body. He hates how it makes him flinch and he most definitely hates how he gets sick after walking through the rain.

A sigh of annoyance leaves his lips as he shifts from one foot to the other, rather impatiently waiting for the rain to slow. He has about five minutes to get to class or it'll be a detention on his record.

Biting back a curse, he smiles curtly at the people who pass him, walking inside their dry classrooms.

"Hey, need some help?"

He spins on his heels in surprise to see Jung Hoseok smiling casually at him, drops of water falling delicately from the strands of hair hanging off his forehead. Taehyung's heart nearly lurches out of his chest as he mutters out a small yes.

Hoseok chuckles, inching closer and closer towards the blushing boy.

"Wait, I don't want you to be late. I'll be fine, I think." Taehyung blurts out, backing away as Hoseok frowns in confusion.

"I don't care, really. My class is just a few steps away from yours," he answers nonchalantly, awaiting Taehyung's next reply.

Of course the younger wants to deny but how can he when the cutest guy in school is offering to walk him to class so he says ok, stepping out into the rain.

At first he grimaces, the first drop of rain making his almost happy mood drop. He awaits the rest of the rain to drench his uniform but it never comes. Instead, he has a jacket hovering above his head, shielding him from the dreary weather.

Hoseok smiles as Taehyung looks over at him, eyes widening when he notices that a) it's Hoseok's jacket and b) he's using it to cover them.

It's silent but peaceful as they arrive at Taehyung's class.

"Thanks, Seok," Taehyung shyly murmurs, casting his gaze to the floor.

"Anytime, buttercup," Hoseok replies, tapping the bottom of Taehyung's chin. "Gotta go."

He runs off into the rain, heading towards the other side of the school.

"You ass," Taehyung yells, a teasing smile playing with his lips. "You said your class was near mine!"

Hoseok turns to shoot the boy a wink.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now