taehyung - request

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shamelessly going to admit that i'm so proud of this !


- in which both yours and taehyung's family can only agree on one thing; they don't want the two of you together, but you and taehyung aren't planning on giving up that easily; requested by ruthyyall

"You ready?" Taehyung asks compassionately, his face free of any signs of nervousness as he looks down at you with a gentle smile, his hand gingerly clasping onto your shaking one as his fingers interlock with yours. You tear your gaze away from the seemingly friendly looking front door and land it onto his face, offering him the most convincing looking smile you can muster in your state of complete fear. Clicking his tongue in humour, he brings your intertwined hands up to his lips and presses a lingering kiss to your warm skin.

"You'll be fine. It's only my parents," he mumbles against your skin in reassurance, squeezing onto your hand to show you that he'll be there with you the whole time. Mutely nodding, you take a deep breath as he knocks, forcing a kind smile onto your face as excited voices come from behind the door.

"Shush—they're here," your hear a feminine voice hiss, chuckling to yourself as the comment eases some of your nerves, feeling considerably calmer as the door swings open to reveal the owners of the voices.

A short lady beams up at the two of you, her dark brown hair styled neatly into a bob. She dons an ironed blouse, the pattern absolutely gorgeous when paired with the sophisticated dress pants she has on, a box shaped grin completing the look; the smile immediately reminding you of Taehyung. Eyes widening in realisation, your smile broadens as you meet Taehyung's mother's gaze; her features soft and familiar, much like her son's. Her smile falters for a split second when she studies your appearance, the brightness in her eyes dimming as she returns the smile to her face.

You gulp, already knowing you've blown it.

Nervously, you flick your gaze to the man—who you assume to be Taehyung's father—standing beside her. Bowing down in greeting towards the two of them, you chuckle when Taehyung's father is quick to gush over your manners, giving Taehyung a big thumbs up as his mother slaps him on the arm. While Taehyung shares some of his mother's features, he and his father look like twins. Both with sharp jawlines and narrowed eyes, the two have kind looking faces and, eerily enough, get the same look of mischievousness in their eyes after being scolded by Taehyung's mother.

"Come on in," his mother announces rather lamely as the two of you nod and remove your shoes, stepping into the house with content smiles as you get a whiff of his mother's cooking. Only, the four of you don't make it very far into the hallway before being stopped by Taehyung's father, the old man opening his arms out for a hug. Taehyung walks into his dad's embrace first, laughing heartily as he pulls away. You are taken aback when you get asked for a hug just as Taehyung's mother goes to embrace her son.

"We didn't get your name," Taehyung's father kindly recalls, placing his hands on your shoulders proudly.

"Oh yes, I apologise. I'm Y/N, it's lovely to meet you," you chirp, looking over at his mother expectantly. She simply nods, turning on her heels to lead the group into the dining room. Taehyung's brows furrow together at the odd behaviour his mother shows, offering you an apologetic smile as you shrug your shoulders helplessly at him.

He places his hand on the small of your back as he trails behind his father, lips pressed into a thin line of disappointment in terms of his mother's hostility towards you. He quickly shakes the look away once the four of you reach the dining room, manoeuvring himself in front of you so that he can pull your chair out. Giggling, you thank him with a nod of your head and instinctively grab his hand under the table once he takes the seat next to yours.

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