maknae line

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With a can of beer in your hand, you settle yourself in between Jimin and Taehyung, smiling warmly at Jungkook as he claims the seat in front of you.

The younger taps his finger on the table, nibbling at his bottom lip. "Is this a good idea?" He questions, avoiding the eyes of the two other boys, allowing his nervous gaze to land on you.

Taehyung shrugs, taking a big sip of his beer, his Adam's apple bobbing with the action. "What could go wrong with playing a game of truth or dare with no limits?"

Jimin nods, leaning over the table to ruffle the younger's hair. "You worry too much, Kookie. It'll be fine." The younger visibly relaxes at Jimin's touch, nodding to convince himself.

"Ok, let's start," You announce, the excitement in your tone obvious to Taehyung as he smiles down at you fondly.

Gathering with the three boys on a lonely Friday night like this is tradition for your small group. Sometimes you'll play stupid games, like tonight's game of truth or dare, and other times you'll just talk and laugh until you all fall asleep.

Jimin sticks his hand into the bowl, pulling out a neatly folded square of paper with the dare and truth written on it. He gulps, running his free hand down his leg, looking as if he's wiping sweat away.

"Jimin," you press, "what is it?"

He smiles as confidently as he can, looking to Taehyung with his wide, puppy eyes. "Truth or dare?"

The younger of the two hesitates, looking almost nervous to spit out his answer. He looks down at the sheet then back up at Jimin's pleading gaze, uttering his answer with a single breath. "Dare."

Jimin looks like he could die. You and Jungkook share a look of confusion, eyeing the two boys in silence. Jimin finally sighs, tossing the paper on to the table. "Duo dare. Taehyung and I have to kiss the person we think is the hottest in the room."

Taehyung goes pale, his eyes widening comically at the dare. You'd normally laugh at the sight but your heart instead hammers in your chest.

You're the only girl in the room.

"Taehyung, you first," Jimin mumbles, playing with his hands. Taehyung can only nod, scrubbing a hand down his face before turning to you. You manage a small smile, your eyes telling him that it's okay.

Taking that as a yes, he cups your face and leans in, teasingly brushing his warm lips against yours. You pout, slapping his arm in annoyance. He laughs, his breath fanning your cheeks. You're about to tell him off when abruptly leans in, bunching your hair in between his hand.

His tongue immediately pushes past your parted lips, exploring every corner of your mouth passionately. You can only let it happen, aware of the audience but also aware of how good it feels. He finally pulls away, cheeks flushed red but eyes wild with greed.

You lick your lips, clearing your throat nervously. Jimin taps your shoulder, gaining your full attention as you turn to him.

"You're special," he smiles, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I get why he chose you."

You're definitely confused by the cryptic message, tilting your head. Jimin only winks, leaning over the table towards Jungkook. You gasp, instinctively grabbing Taehyung's hand.

The younger can barely say anything before Jimin pulls him by the neck of his shirt and kisses him. A grunt of surprise escapes Jungkook's lips before it turns into a quiet moan.

Taehyung tsks, shielding your eyes with his hand.

Eventually it goes silent, everyone thinking about what the fuck just happened and what the fuck happens next. There a few glances stolen but aside from that, everyone stays still and shocked.

You clear your throat, grabbing the next piece of paper, "Truth or dare?"

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