jungkook - request

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- in which you forget your anniversary with jungkook and feel bad after you enjoy the day he planned out for you; requested by chennie_1992

"Morning, baby," a sweet and melodic voice whispers into your ear, a small smile gracing your features as the words gently stir you awake, the hand stroking your hair more lulling than awakening. Jungkook laughs softly, lowering his head to press his lips against your warm cheek, looking down upon you fondly as you yawn, your arms stretching above you.

A soft groan pushes past your lips as you lazily sit yourself up, blinking to adjust to the light filtering it's way into the bedroom. Once your vision clears, you immediately turn your head to rest your gaze upon Jungkook, the man smiling cheekily at you as his hand rubs your arm ever so gently.

"Morning," you sigh, shoulders sagging in ease and content at the picture perfectness of the scene the two of you have set. He chuckles and brushes some of the more unruly strands of your hair out of your face, caressing your cheek as he finishes. You roll your eyes, shuffling your way towards him, choosing to ignore the incredulous look he gives you.

You wrap your arms around his bare torso and rest your head against his chest, his heartbeat calming in the loveliest of ways. Only, Jungkook doesn't want you to sleep for any longer, his plans for the day needing to start as soon as possible. He pushes you off him slowly, holding you by your shoulders with a gentle look in his eyes.

"We have a big day ahead of us so no cuddling," he mockingly scolds, watching in slight worry as you tilt your head in confusion, your expression matching one of an adorably lost puppy.

"Is it a special occasion?" You question, grimacing at the sound of your own hoarse voice, offering him a look of apology as you notice the fleeting flash of hurt in his eyes. Instead of voicing out his clear disappointment, he rolls his eyes and flicks your forehead playfully, smirking as you rub at it with a scowl.

"Of course it is, stupid! You have an hour to get ready," He taunts, allowing himself to give you a quick peck on the lips before exiting the room excitedly, leaving you to be even more confused as you try to figure out what could possibly make today special.


Jungkook has never been the overly romantic type; the idea of grand gestures and over the top declarations of love sound so cheesy to him. You've never minded his reluctance to partake in those sorts of things as it makes it all the more special when he puts in effort to woo you.

Like today.

You glance at your watch, sighing in mild content when the time just ticks over to five, your day slowly coming to an end. Jungkook tightens his hold on your hand, silent as he walks you through your favourite park despite you trying to convince him that it would be fine with you if the two of you headed home. The same thing happened earlier in the day when he took you out for ice skating, lunch and ice cream, promising that he had no problem with any of it and that he just wants to make sure that you're having a good day.

You frown at the ground, curious as to what's gotten him so willing to do whatever you want. Of course, it all goes back to that 'special occasion' he mentioned in the morning. You've tried your hardest throughout your laughter filled day with Jungkook to figure out what today could possibly be but you've come up blank each time.

He notices your distance and shakes your hand, raising his eyebrow at you in worry when you turn to face him, skin looking pale. He furrows his brows together, tugging you to a bench, crouching down in front of you as you take a shaky seat. His hands massage your thighs, eyes searching yours in concern.

"I'm sorry," you whisper, dropping your head onto his shoulder. He hesitantly strokes your hair, his other hand resting on the small of your back. You pull away to explain yourself, playing childishly with his fingers as he waits.

"I know that I'm supposed to know what today is but it has completely slipped my mind and I can't help but think that you're mad at me," you sigh, timidly dropping your gaze to his chest, hoping that he forgives you when you hear a sigh leave his mouth.

"I'll be honest, I'm slightly hurt that you didn't remember but it's not the end of the world. You've had a lot on your plate recently and I was kind of expecting you to forget anyway so I planned this whole day out for the both of us," he clarifies, his voice uncharacteristically stable as he offers you a reassuring smile, feeling his insides warm when he sees your eyes widen and your lips part in surprise.

"Oh, that was really sweet of you, Kookie. But, uh, what special occasion is it?" You mumble, looking up at him sheepishly with your bottom lip in between your teeth.

"Our anniversary," he croons, pulling out a wrapped up box from his pocket, a fond and adoring smile lifting his lips upwards and brightening his eyes as he watches you gasp and gingerly hold the box in your palm, the guilt beginning to set in.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry that I for—"

"Don't worry and just open it. You can apologise some other time," he urges, waving his hands around frantically, practically bouncing as he watches you tear off the wrapping and untie the bow, revealing the bracelet he bought for you a few months ago.

"Oh," you sigh, lifting it out of its box carefully, "it's gorgeous, baby."

"I'm glad you like it. Happy third anniversary, Y/N," he grins, chuckling when you cup his cheeks and pepper his face with light kisses, the bracelet already secured around your thin wrist. He lets out a breathless laugh, standing to his full height as he pulls you up with him, resuming the walk that the two of you were on a few minutes ago.

"You better not forget next year. I'll be seriously mad then," he teases, tucking you into his side when you begin to whine out genuine apologies, pressing lingering kisses to the top of your head as he chuckles.

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