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- in which yoongi whines about having to go grocery shopping with you; a fluff imagine that i thought of while shopping with my family.

Humming under your breath, you slip a loose jacket on, your lips lifting up into an effortless smile, the tranquility of your day so far warming in a way that makes you feel content and satisfied. Stretching your arms up over your head, you grin and pick up the keys to your house, looking over your shoulder in slight worry.

A sigh automatically falls from your lips upon the sight of Yoongi—his eyes and cheeks still puffy from sleep—staring longingly at the couch in front of him, his lips jutted out in a tired yet frustrated pout. Even his longing gaze is rimmed with the need for some more sleep, the earthy, brown hue of his eyes dulled to darkness; there being no energy in them.

You drop your arms to your side with a giggle, your head shaking fondly as you approach him. Comfortingly, you slide your hands across his chest from behind, ultimately caging him in your embrace, his head throwing itself back to rest on your shoulder. Lovingly, you press your lips to the warm and soft skin of his shoulder, slowly beginning to casually sway in your spot.

"Waking up early is not that bad, Yoongs," you coo, teasingly bunching up the soft skin of his cheek in between your fingers, laughing when he whines at the action. He stays quiet for a few moments before sighing heavily, a soft whine following shortly after.

"Waking up early in the morning to go shopping is bad," he mumbles childishly, placing his cool hands on top of yours, squeezing onto your hands in a silent plea to stay home and cuddle. And while doing that does sound pleasant, both you and Yoongi have put off the shopping for quite some time now.

"But if we go early, that means we'll get all the fresh free samples," you retort, your voice dipping into one you'd use when convincing a child. Although, with the way Yoongi's eyes light up innocently, it sure does seem like that's exactly what you're doing.

"You're right," he hums, his argument trailing off, giving you enough time to slip your hand into his and begin tugging him to the door, his gasp of surprise making you chuckle as he goes right back to—loudly—complaining.

Rolling your eyes, you tighten your grip and tug a little harder, muttering curses under your breath as you manage to get him to the door, his clear exhaustion from the early wake up giving you an advantage.

With minimal complaints from Yoongi, the pair of you make it to the supermarket peacefully. There are a few people milling about in there but it's too early for there to be a massive influx of shoppers, thus making it the perfect time to complete your shopping. Stepping into the artificially cooled air, you make a beeline for the line of trolleys, grabbing one with added enthusiasm as several people pass by you.

Grinning, you turn around to pass the trolley over to Yoongi. Only, he isn't right behind you as he usually is. Instead, you spot him standing near the exit, his arms folded stubbornly across his chest. Rolling your eyes for what you know won't be the last time, you wave your hand at him, beckoning him over with a warning hidden skilfully in your overall attitude.

He gulps and waddles towards you, his head lowered once he reaches your side.

"Wanna push the trolley?" You ask monotonously, hinting at your annoyance towards his behaviour. He shakes his head and begins walking ahead of you, hands clasped behind his back. Smirking successfully, you trail behind him, watching curiously as he slows his pace down, stopping beside you as you pause to reach for a packet of flour sitting on the top shelf.

He presses himself into your back and stretches his arm above you, effortlessly grabbing the packet and putting it in the trolley, keeping his lips close to your ear; his warm breath sending goosebumps down your arms.

"You lied about the free samples," he whispers, the sentence almost making you laugh as it certainly wasn't what you expected him to say considering the position he has you in. Ducking under his arm, you smile apologetically up at him, tapping the tip of his nose with your finger.

"Sorry, bubba," you sigh, shrugging your shoulders. "You wouldn't have come with me if I didn't say it."

He simply glares at you, the corners of his lips twitching upwards. You take it as his forgiveness and turn back on your heels, pushing the trolley down the aisle, mumbling under your breath as your brows furrow together, eyes speedily studying your list.

You, however, do manage to pick up on the low mumbles coming from Yoongi; most of them aimed towards how stupid it is for a grocery shop not to have any free samples.

You roll your eyes and chuck a few things into the trolley, only noticing the silence when you enter the next aisle, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you glance over your shoulder. Yoongi stands behind you, his smile fond as he leans onto one of the emptier shelves, eyes softened into orbs that hold love and adoration; glittering as if the stars themselves call his eyes home.

"What?" You whisper-hiss, raising your eyebrows at him. He shakes his head, wasting no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest.

"You look so serious," he laughs deeply, the action vibrating through you. "It's cute."

With little help from Yoongi, you finish up your shopping, the both of you relieved to finally be going home. He closes his eyes as his head rests on your shoulder, his steps small as you move closer to the counter. You tilt your head to the side and kiss the corner of his lips, watching as his eyes flutter open sleepily, his smile tiny in size but huge in meaning.

"Are we done yet?" He mumbles, his heavy eyelids struggling to stay open. You coo and nod, ruffling his hair affectionately as he grins and assists you in loading the things onto the counter, eager to get back into bed and cuddle until the late afternoon.

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