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- in which you and namjoon are forced to share a bed with each other while on a trip with a group of friends, knowing very well that sleep will be the last thing on your minds.

Sun filters in through the tinted windows of Jin's van, your eyes widening in awe as you childishly press your hands against the glass and watch as the city landscape you all drove from beautifully transforms into the warmth of the beach, the bright blues, green and whites of the world outside bringing an indescribable feeling of joy to you.

As you lean back in your seat, smile soft and content, you realise that the overwhelming sense of joy coursing through you is not only for the week long holiday ahead of you, but for the people you'll be spending it with.

It was around high school when you first met the seven boys you consider your family. Funnily enough, it was also around this time—perhaps a few years down the track—when the eight of you found yourselves moping about in an empty art room, all struggling to figure out who you were and what you wanted to be.

And then Jin spoke up.

"I know we all feel like shit right now," he started, chuckling when murmurs of agreement echoed around the room, "but there's something that I think we're all overlooking here."

"What is it, hyung?" Taehyung asked, running his fingers through his disheveled hair the colour of orange dust, eyes that usually danced with amusement now darkened to a dull state of despair.

"We don't know what the future holds," he sighed, the corners of his lips quirking up fondly at the group before him. "Who knows? We may lead successful lives or we may be as hopeless and lost as we are now. However, we know that no matter what happens, we all have each other."

"Hyung," Jungkook whined in annoyance despite the soft look in his eyes that reflected the gratitude he had for his older brother's words. Jin's words had even managed to bring a gentle smile to your own face, the tense atmosphere of the room slowly slipping away.

"How about this? When we all graduate from this shithole, I'll take us out on a holiday," Jin beamed, relishing in the way everyone immediately straightened at his promise, their lips stretching out into hopeful grins while their eyes began to glisten with a youth innocence that the older hadn't seen in a long time.

"Where to?" Yoongi asked quietly, his head lowered to hide the expectant look on his face. Noticing this, Jin hummed thoughtfully, finding that his heart swelled each time he met the eye of one of his friends.

"Naksan Beach," he finally concluded, pleased with the soft gasps that filled the room in response to his answer. "My parents own a beach house down there so we can rent it out for a week to celebrate."

"That sounds great, hyung," Namjoon beamed, the room slowly filling itself with excited chatter for the trip that would take place years later, the depressive mood between the eight of you disappearing as if it were never there in the first place.

Sure enough, after a lot of hard work and effort, the eight of you—now closer than ever—have graduated successfully with bright futures ahead of you; this trip now meaning a lot more than just a holiday.

Feeling a warm sense of pride bloom in your chest, you sit yourself up on your knees and turn so that you overlook the rest of the van, smile widening at the sight of them looking at peace.

And as you're admiring your friends, your fond gaze meets the curious one of Jimin, his head tilted in confusion of your actions. Shaking your head to dismiss his questions, you return comfortably to your seat and wonder if getting some sleep in the last hour or so of travel time will be beneficial to you.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ