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- in which jin catches you trying to sneak out for lunch and offers you an ultimatum; either you get back to work or you take him with you

You sigh in boredom, listening attentively to the rather annoying sound your pens make as you rattle them in their holder. Choosing to ignore the not-so-subtle looks of irritation your coworkers shoot you from their own desks, you allow your lazy gaze to drift towards the ticking clock that hangs at the opposite end of the room.

Sighing once more, you place the pen holder back in its spot on the edge of your desk and swivel yourself around so that you face the window that overlooks the yard outside. A soft smile filled with fondness lifts your lips upwards as you watch your students run around and play, their laughs and squeals muffled through the thick glass.

"An hour left for lunch," you mutter to yourself, reluctantly redirecting your attention back to the laptop sitting on your desk, several empty columns that desperately need to be filled staring back at you.

Before you worsen the dull throb echoing in your head, you slam your laptop shut and groan into your hands, throwing your head back dramatically. You're hungry, tired and bored beyond human explanation.

As if on cue to your sudden need to pity yourself for being stuck inside, your stomach creates an almost unnatural sound, your hand pressing against your chest in shock as your cheeks redden in embarrassment.

Oh, god. I must be really hungry then.

You wouldn't be caught in this little predicament if you would've just woken up the first time your alarm went off this morning instead of hitting snooze so you could get an extra fifteen minutes of sleep. If you woke up on time, then those fifteen minutes could've been spent making yourself lunch.

So now, you envy those who calmly eat their lunch and finish their work, your hands clenching into tight fists at the fact that you can't do the same.

Sighing for the third time in the space of five minutes, you lay your head down onto the cool wood of your desk, conjuring up the many ways that you could possibly get yourself some food before the whole staffroom knows of your hunger.

Maybe I could snoop around in the fridge? Someone must have something in there that they don't mind me eating. Or I could dig around in the kids' bags? See if their mothers have made them something delicious to eat that they don't want?

That's so creepy, Y/N.


You straighten your posture, eyes comically widening at the realisation of there being a take away food place a couple minutes drive away from the school.

What's the worst that could happen if you quickly drive there, pick up some food and drive back?

You ponder on the pros and cons of going through with this rough plan and find that you can't seem to think up any cons that worry you to the point of not going, thus convincing you that this is a foolproof plan.

Casually clearing your throat, you subtly shove your phone, wallet and car keys into your pocket and walk out of the staff room, keeping your expression blank in order to avoid suspicion. Thankfully, no-one seems to be paying you any mind, your exit seeming to be something that briefly crosses their minds and then never returns.

You stand in the empty hallway with a grin of victory, your quiet exclamation of success barely even echoing down the hall. You continue your walk down the hallway shortly after your small celebration finishes, your pace a little quicker than usual to save precious time.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن