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this was rushed, i'm sorry


- in which a very handsome man asks you to help him find something in a grocery store that neither of you are too familiar with

Yawning, you lift a fist up to your eye and lazily rub it, hoping that it'll rid you of your desperate desire to head back home and sleep. Only, when you allow your hand to drop back down to the handles on the trolley, you're disappointed to realise that your action only made your need for sleep stronger.

Shaking your head distract yourself from how tired you are, you go back to scanning the row of shelves that are stacked to the top with groceries. Sighing, you flick a packet of cookies into your trolley and continue to push forward.

You see, you would've been finished with your early Sunday morning shopping by now if you had gone down to your usual grocery store but road works had forced you to turn into this one, leaving you lost, confused and aching to be back in the warmth that your bed provided. Cursing at how unfortunate your morning has been, you drop a packet of flour into your trolley and pause to check out the price differences of the sugar packets displayed messily on the shelf.

Out of the corner of your eye, you manage to notice a figure walk into the aisle, looking quite fed up with their own shopping. You chuckle quietly at how much you sympathise with that person and look over your shoulder to get a better look at them, mouth falling open in pleasant surprise as you quickly return your widened gaze to the packets of sugar.

Behind you stands the most handsome looking man that you've ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. He looks around your age and is tall to the point where it looks slightly intimidating; there being a slight sense of power radiating off him. His chestnut brown hair sits upon his head in a disheveled yet styled way.

And while you didn't catch a good glimpse of his eyes, you did manage to swoon over the way his plump and soft pink lips were jutted out into a pout while he stared at the cans on the shelves.

Capturing your bottom lip in between your teeth, you quickly send your fingers through your hair in an attempt to make it look somewhat presentable. You even go as far as to pull a small smile onto your face, hoping that it makes you look approachable enough for him to spare you a glance.

Taking a rather risky chance, you once again throw your gaze over your shoulder to look at him. He stands a few steps away from where you last saw him, his lips parted in confusion as his eyes frantically scanned the shelves. You quickly flick your gaze away in embarrassment when his gorgeous dark eyes meet yours.

You hold your breath as you hear the sound of his trolley rattling towards you, your cheeks flushing an unhealthy shade of red at the thought of him calling you out for staring at him. So when he politely taps you on the shoulder, you turn to flash him an innocently fake smile, your hands trembling.


"Hi," he begins, his voice velvety smooth and melodic to the point where you find yourself visibly relaxing to the sound of it. "I'm sorry to bother you but could you help me find some coffee?"

"Coffee?" You ask in confusion, your eyebrows furrowing slightly as he chuckles awkwardly and nods, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck, those entrancing eyes of his brightening in amusement.

"Yeah, like the jars of coffee. I've been searching for a while but I haven't managed to find any yet," he admits with a boyish smirk, his tone with rather causal for someone he just met. Either way, you find yourself hooked onto his easy going personality and offer him a soft laugh.

"Sure, I'll help you out," you chirp, completely ignoring the sudden voice in your head that yells at you to take it back because you don't know where anything is in this maze of a store, let alone a jar of coffee. He bows in thanks and waits for you to start pushing your trolley before slowly trailing behind you.

You try to make yourself look confident as you lead him through various aisles but in actuality, you're just hoping that one of them will hold the coffee that the man is looking for. However, you've walked him through about four aisles and there still is no sign of any coffee; your mind going straight to cursing out the place for being so big and confusing.

"Excuse me?" The man asks, his smile anything but condescending as his eyes sparkle curiously. Your heart leaps in your chest as you greet him with a wide grin, your acknowledgment spurring him on to keep speaking. "Do you know where you're going?"

"I'm sorry," you sigh pathetically, offering him the best apologetic smile you can muster in your state of embarrassment. "I thought we'd find it along the way but this store is so big and it's my first time here—"

"It's okay," he laughs, shaking his fondly at you with a cheeky grin. "It's my first time too so maybe if we keep walking, we'll run into it."

"Okay," you mumble in relief, following beside him as he continues to make his way down the aisle, finding it odd how he looks over at a hand of bananas mischievously. He pauses beside you and picks them up, placing them into his trolley with a giggle.

"What's up?" You ask curiously, looking at him in amusement as he flashes you a goofy grin.

"I guess you could say that this place is driving me bananas," he snickers, laughing even harder at the look of disappointment that falls upon your face immediately after his joke. You shake your head in disbelief and keep walking down the aisle with a small smile on your face.

"My name is Jin," he beams, holding his hand out for you to shake. Nodding in a friendly manner, you clasp onto his smooth hand and give it a firm shake, cheeks most likely aflame from the look he gives you.

"I'm Y/N," you return with a grin of your own, feeling as if Jin has just made your Sunday morning a lot better than where it was heading. "Lovely to meet you."

It doesn't take long for the two of you to fall into easy conversation, mindlessly chatting up a storm about the simple topic of plans for the rest of the day. He mentions that he's due for a photo shoot—you just knew that he was a model—in a few hours so he thought he'd shop closer to home today. You comment on how cool his modelling career sounds before stopping near the registers with a sigh.

"We still have no clue where the coffee is," you say exasperatedly, running a hand through your hair. He shrugs and points out an employee standing a few steps away.

"I'll just ask him," he says with a smile. "Thank you for all your help and the company."

"Of course, it was no problem," You modestly chuckle, waving your hand through the air dismissively. He nods and waves goodbye as he turns on his heel to head off to the employee. You return his wave whole heartedly and ignore the sudden feel of loneliness that settles itself in your chest.

Only, he abruptly turns back to you with a shy smile, his eyes glistening with excitement as he hands his phone over to you.

"I'd like to meet up after my shoot for some dinner. As a thank you for helping me," he chuckles awkwardly, his eyes wide and glistening with an innocence that makes your heart swell.

"That sounds lovely," you sigh happily, adding your contact into his phone before waving goodbye to him once more and heading towards the check out, giggling about your plans for tonight.

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