jin (pt 1)

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hehehehhehehhe bad jin is bae...also early updates cause it's bloody hot and i'm bored


Jin winks at you, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth. You blush a furious red, averting your gaze to your book. Taking a chance, you glance up, glad to see him distracted by something else.

Kim Seokjin is known for many things. His endless list of broken hearts is one, most of them losing their virginity to him and then being dumped the next day. A douche move, agreed. His wicked charms another, that blinding smile of his enough to make you believe that he may be misunderstood instead of the fuckboy people label him as. A mask, if you will, to hide the devil beneath. His looks come in at number three, the boy's visuals equivalent to one of a character from a fictional romance book.

Simply breathtaking.

And while all of these points give you many reasons to stay away from someone like him, you can't help but think about him in the wee hours of the morning as you lay awake, waiting for your alarm.

It's amazing that he has that unseen power over you.

The walk to your locker is a hazy memory, each step memorised to a tee. Except a certain someone leaning against said locker throws you off your path.

"U-uh, sorry. That's my locker."

"I know," he deadpans, still not moving. You frown, getting irritated as he opts for silence, his lips relaxed into a lazy grin.

"Look, princess, I actually came to talk to you." You stumble for words, the familiar heat of a blush reaching your cheeks and neck. With a tilt of his neck, he has you following him to god knows where as if he's tugging you along by a leash.

How pathetic must you look right now.

Looking both ways, Jin opens the janitor's closet and pushes you in, locking the door as it closes. Your heart goes erratic, knowing very well that many of the girls lost their v cards to Jin in this very closest.

The thought makes you uncomfortable and sick to the stomach.

"I'm sure you've heard about me," he starts, scoffing when you nod. "Great, so you know about my antics?" Another nod from you earns you a soft smile from him.

"There's an event that my family wants to attend in a couple of months." You stare up at him, your brain trying to figure out how you fit into this. "They want me to bring someone they can introduce as my girlfriend and of course, with my revolving door of fuck toys, that's very hard to do."

You grimace at his use of 'fuck toys' and sigh.

"Now, you're obviously smart, drop dead gorgeous and very elegant in the way you speak. For some reason, I have a feeling that you'll be the perfect girl for me to bring."

Your mouth falls open, once again struggling to use words. You know that his compliments are merely there for him to kiss ass in hopes that you'll say yes and goddamn him because it's working.

"I'll pay you if you want! It's just from now until then. Please, I'm desperate."

Despite your better judgement, you say yes. He smirks, backing you up against the wall, his usual 'bad boy' demeanour instantly returning.

"I dare you," he whispers, fingers clasping a strand of your hair delicately, "not to fall in love with me. Think you can do that, sweetheart?"

You squeak when his other hand runs up your leg slowly, his fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps. "Hmm?" He presses, awaiting your reply.

"S-sure." You whisper back, not trusting your voice to convey a confident stand. He pulls away instantly, the fire burning in the pit of your stomach being watered down with relief.

"See you around, princess," he says in an epigrammatic way, leaving you to catch your breath in the dusty janitor's closet.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ