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prince!au. loved writing this btw

A prince of his power should not be following a maid noticeably poorer than him as she wanders through the castle at night but the young prince's curiosity always tends to get the better of him.

He knows the castle both inside and out, able to describe each hall to the smallest detail but as he watches you slink into the shadows, it feels like he's walking into a new realm. His heart pounds dangerously in his ears but he swallows it down, following in your footsteps.

Of course, this isn't the first time he's done this. Every few nights, he'll be robbed of his sleep and spot you tiredly shuffling past his room to head to your quarters. He's always been easily entranced by the midnight colour of your hair that seems to blend in with the night.

You make it into the Knight's quarters, stiffening as you tiptoe through. Jungkook furrows his brows together at the sudden route change. He doesn't trail you, however, watching from a safe distance before he can cross himself.

Your footsteps get more and more distant until they stop. He sticks his head out from around the corner, clenching his fists together at the sight. Three knights guard you, sickly sweet smiles etched onto their usually stoic-from-training faces.

Jungkook's never been one to start fights or show visible interest in women but he does have a heart and mind that can tell right from wrong. Judging by the way you shake like a leaf, flinching away from the bulky men, it's wrong.

One of them tugs at a strand of your hair, forcing your face to move towards his. Your discomfort shifts the atmosphere in the room into one that the young prince can't take. He scowls and menacingly steps out into the soft light.

"What, may I ask, is going on here?" He demands, narrowing his gaze on the three men. They suddenly push you to the floor, lowering their heads in respect. Despite aching from the fall, you, too, lower your head.

"She was outside of her room. At this ungodly hour, it's got to be to do something reckless, Your Highness," the one previously fondling your hair states. Jungkook chuckles, the guards taking a few steps back.

Your breath hitches in your throat, knowing that this could quite possibly be the end for you.

"I can tell lie from truth quite easily," the price starts darkly, "it's certainly not hard to see that the look on her face is one of disgust, not shame. And I'm sure that like most of the maids heading to bed now, she was one of them. Now, what's bothering me is how all three of you managed to catch her? Not to mention, your techniques for doing so were interesting. I didn't know that touching a lady in that horrid manner was a way to warn her of the consequences that would come if she didn't head off to bed. Anyone care to explain that?"

He stops in front of them, rocking on his heels with his hands clasped behind his back. He flicks his furious gaze to meet theirs, eyes darkening dangerously, "anyone?"

When no-one replies, he smirks and turns on his heels. "Right then. I'd like you three packed up and out by the morning. I think I'll take it from here with her. Take this as me giving you mercy. I could have your heads if I wanted. Off you go."

With a final bow, they rush to pack up their belongings. Jungkook then turns his attention to you, crouching down with his hand held out. "Are you ok?"

Accepting his hand, you stand, brushing dust off your skirt. He watches shyly, hand fiddling in his pockets. You bow, sighing heavily.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I'm sorry to be a bother, I'll be off now."

"Wait," he calls, latching onto your wrist gently. You gasp, looking behind you nervously.

"Call me Jungkook, please. May I have your name?"

You smile warmly, loosening up at his sign of informality. "I'm Y/N."

"Well then, goodnight, Y/N. I hope we can speak more often."

With a small wave and bow, you continue down the hall. "I hope so too, Jungkook."

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