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lol sorry if this was lame, i kind of had the idea while doing my dance homework so had to write it down! hope you enjoyed anyway!

People say it's hard to express yourself to a girl. Hoseok always believed that this was true until it became his turn to experience what many call love.

There's this girl, Y/N. She's in at least three of his classes and always sits in front of him with her chatty friend. He can never seem to take his eyes off her. Whether it be pondering about how good her hair must smell or the many different ways of holding her hand, he's never not thinking about her.

He got asked a question by his friend Jimin who has been listening very carefully to the way the older talks about her.

"Hyung, why do you like her?"

Hoseok couldn't answer him right away. There were so many things he could say but the words got clogged up in his throat. He went home that night and thought about it. His answer came to him instantly then.

He likes Y/N because she's different. All the girls at his school care about their looks more than anything. He loves walking past the long line of girls at the toilet to head into the library and see her tapping a pencil on the table while studying. He loves watching her tie her hair into a bun when she starts studying then taking it out so her soft and luscious locks spill down her back when she's done. He loves the way she treats everyone with the kindness that they give her. He loves her because he knows that if she says yes, he'll never let her go for anyone else.

An opportunity rose out of the dust the day after he'd confirmed his answer.

"There's a prom coming up soon," the teacher explained, "to get tickets everyone must have a date."

His mind was already running with idea on how to ask her out. He didn't want to be too full on but he didn't want to be too simple either. As he was figuring this out, he passed her group of friends giggling about how they wanted to ask. So he stuck by, pretending to get into his locker.

"Y/N, how about you?"

"Well, roses and a smile. That's all. You know, old fashioned but full of romance."

He bought a bouquet of roses the next day, grinning like a mad man as he waited for her to get to school. Finally, he saw her mum's car drive away. She spotted him in an instant, smiling in happiness for the girl who was about to get asked.

Only when she noticed he was heading for her, her heart sped up.


She nodded, eyes finally meeting Hoseok's. His breath hitched but he cleared his throat and continued.

"Will you go to the prom with me?"

Hoseok's glad she said yes. He thinks about the events that followed as he tightens his bow tie. His mother calls for him from downstairs saying that Y/N is here. He jogs down, ready to engulf her in his arms.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now