You Remind Me of Them (Part 2)

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"I'm so lonely without you."

Your words sound broken and cracked as you whisper that sentence. Heavy hot tears fall from your eyes and your throat tightens up. You lower your head and wipe your eyes. You look back at the sky, vision still blurry, and let out a shaky breath.

You try to smile as you begin to talk again.

"T-The kids have grown. God, they've grown so much. I still can't believe they were those little kids that I met so long ago. They're strong too. You guys would be proud. Even you, Icana. And Gran, Wendy's grown into such a sweet girl. Natsu, still loud and obnoxious as always. Sting's trying to catch up with him. Then there's Rogue, he's still a book nerd. I guess that I trained him well. Oh man..."

You gasp, wiping your eyes again.

"...they're so your kids!" You laugh. "When I look at them, I just see you. Sometimes I accidentally call them by your names. Then I remember..."

You trail off.


Everyone burst into your bedroom. You yelped with surprise and slight fear. They all looked so worn out and tired. You gasped when you noticed that your siblings were covered in so many wounds. You rushed up to them.

"Guys, what happened!? I-"

Grandeeny grabbed your hand, dragging you along. The siblings all gathered around you as you all began to walk out of your room. Your older brothers formed a protective circle around you and Grandeeny. You looked at all of them, worried and afraid.

You glanced at your sister for answers.

"Wait, Grandeeny what's happening!? Why are we-!"

"Acnologia is here."

You shut your mouth. Fear gripped you as the news sunk in. Very quietly you murmured.

"Are we going to die?"

You didn't receive an answer, only a tight squeeze from Grandeeny.

Then he arrived. Acnologia stood in your path in his human form. He was a cruel man as far as you knew and you hid behind your sister, whimpering. She held a protective arm around you and you saw her share a look with your brothers.

You didn't like that look.

Your older brothers all nodded and looked down at you.

Weisslogia smiled. "We love you so much, (Name)."

You didn't like this. You didn't like this at all. The sound of your first name made your stomach drop. You slowly shook your head as your brothers all took turns saying goodbye.

"Don't..." you began to say.

"You'll be okay," Skisdrum said. He gave you a tight hug before turning.

You reached for him and Weisslogia. "Wait. No, no don't leave me. Where are you all

Metalicana ruffled your hair. He pretended to not be bothered by the situation. His red eyes were wet with tears.

"We have a battle to fight."

"Icana, Weiss, Skia-"

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