Never Touch The Book

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You coughed into your fist and groaned as another migraine hit the back of your brain. You grabbed a tissue and tried to blow your nose, which didn't help whatsoever. You let out a loud sigh.

Guess you're staying home today. You reached over to your nightstand and pulled out the drawer. You blankly stared at the empty slot before gasping.

You leaped out of bed, threw on sweats and a large sweater, then sprinted out of your house.

God, you hoped that no one saw the contents inside your precious sketchbook.

* * * *

Happy sailed across the room and landed directly behind the bar. The blue cat whined like a child as he rubbed the big bruise forming on his head.

"OWWWWWW-oooooh, what's that?"

The cute little innocent Exceed stands on his two legs and walks over to the bottom of the counter. On one of the shelves, is a box labeled 'lost and found'. But that wasn't what he was interested in. He was paying more attention to what was inside the said-box. Laying at the bottom of the container was a plain black cover of what looked like a sketchbook.

He picked it up and opened it. His eyes widened and sparkled with awe with what was inside. He tucked it under his arm and flew into the air.

"I've gotta show everyone!" He landed on top of the bar counter and began to enthusiastically wave his arms around. "Guys! Guys! Look at what I found!"

Team Natsu and a few others gathered around.

"What's that, Happy?" Lucy asked.

"It's (Y/n)'s sketchbook!"

That got people's attention. You were a shy girl but when someone asked or wanted to see just one drawing. You would say no.

Some people had even attempted to steal it just to get a peek but you always carried it with you. And when someone somehow manage to get a hold of it, they would be in a world of pain and misery.

Mira nervously smiled and reached for the book.

"Now, Happy. That's her private property. We shouldn't be looking at it without her permission!"

Gray rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Mira! You aren't curious at all? She never lets anyone look in there! Who knows when another chance like this comes up?!"

The bartender bit her lip. That was true...

With a defeated sigh she nodded.

Members gathered around as Happy flipped to the first page.

A few gasped.


It's a drawing of Gray and Natsu fighting. The drawing looked as real as an actual picture taken from a camera. Flames were decorated along Natsu's arms while ice was rising from Gray's palms.

Both were well sketched and showed that it had taken a lot of effort to be perfected. The crowd 'ooh'ed and scooted closer to get a better look. Gray scoffed.

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