Nightmares (Part 3)

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You ducked under your sheets as you heard your door be sliced in half. The remains of the door fall to the ground and your brother stands victorious.

You feel your covers being pulled up and look at your brother's worried face.

"Another bad dream?"

You nod and hug his waist. "Can you put an enchantment on my room? To keep me safe?" You mumble.

Freed sighs. "(Y/n), nothing's going to get you-"

"Freed, please," You beg.

Your brother sighs and summons a spell. You feel the magic surround your room and sigh contently. Freed lays down in bed with you and you both fall asleep.

It's not long before you hear the enchantment go off. An explosion sounds off and everyone in the house hears Laxus start a line of curses.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! WHO THE HELL DID THIS SHI-" Freed covers your ears and you fall back asleep.


Your brother's 'babies' break through your door like bullets, making you scream again. Your brother is the last one to come through the door. He randomly starts making karate moves. All the fear goes away as he continues to unknowingly entertain you.

Bickslow sees you and runs to your side. You've never seen him look so serious as he asks.

"Well? Who the hell did it? Who hurt you?"

You notice that he's not wearing his helmet and look back at his glowing eyes.

"I-it was just a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" He grins and crawls in bed with you. "Well, I'm here to make it all better!"

You giggle and cuddle with your bro.

"Thanks, Slow. I love you."

"Love you too, sis."

His little minions repeat his sentence.

"Love you too. Love you too. Love you too. Love you too..."

Surprisingly, it doesn't bother you. Instead, it soothes you to sleep like a lullaby.



You squeal as your door is torn to shreds. Golden bullets light up your room and your sister stands at the doorway wearing her wings. She looks pissed and her glasses gave her an evil look. She flew over to you and hovered above you as she checked your face.

You grab her hands and stare into her eyes.

Luckily, you were the only one who could look her without turning to stone. You both share a silent message of understanding and she gets in bed with you.

You hug her close, never wanting to let go.

Thunder Legion:

You will never forget how ridiculous they all looked at that moment.

As soon as you screamed, the sound of running filled the house.

Laxus was the first one to your room. He panted and glanced at you.

"Hey, kid. You oka-"


"Heeeey! Is the kid okay!?"

"Is the kid okay? Is the kid okay? Is the kid okay? Is the kid okay?"

"Is (Y/n) alright!?"

Freed crashed into Laxus, making them both tip over.

Bickslow tripped over their bodies and joined the pile. His little dolls floated harmlessly above.

And Evergreen came running down the hallway and slipped on a random banana peel. (I don't know 😅)

The great and all powerful Thunder Legion, had just humiliated themselves in the best way possible.

You giggled, which turned into a laugh, making the group frown.

They all got up and rearranged themselves, acting like nothing happened. Laxus knelt down to your level.


Your laughter dies and your smile is replaced with a frown. He nods in understanding and stands up.

"So? Which one of us should stay with you?"

You think about it and grin. You spread your arms open.

"All of you!"

They chuckle and Freed leaves the room while saying.

"I'll get the pillows and blankets."

It isn't long before your room is filled with the sleeping adults. Their snores somehow lead you to sleep.

You're very lucky to have such great siblings.

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