Inspired (Freed)

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You have always been a reader. You loved books so much. You've been reading since your toddler years. So you were absolutely thrilled when you found it that there was a type of magic that fitted that description perfectly.


You discovered this magic when your brother began to use it.

You were amazed that you could read, your favorite thing to do, and do magic at the same time.

You began to read more and more. Delving deeper into pages and learning spells. Only simple spells, though. Your brother didn't allow you to try out certain ones.

That was okay.

* * * *

He came back, bursting through the door with a large grin. In his arms were books, as expected. You, who was sitting at the dinner table, squeaked with surprise. You glared at him,

"Freed, you're late again!" You gestured to the set table, "Your food went cold an hour ago!"

Then you noticed his smile. He hadn't smiled like that for a while. Your big brother quickly walked over to you,

"Don't worry! I can just heat it back up! Watch!" You perked your head up when your brother grabbed one of the books he was carrying. He opened the cover and flipped through a few pages before stopping. Freed scanned the words on the paper before nodding and looked at you, "You'll be blown away, just you watch."

You crossed your arms, wondering what shenanigans he was up to. Then the air changed, it felt different. Your brother breathed out and held his hand over his bowl of soup,

He murmured something under his breath.

Your eyes widened when a strange looking, red, circle appeared over the bowl. It flowed brightly for a split second, and suddenly steam was rising from the soup.

"Whoooa!" You exclaimed.

Freed grinned, "Isn't it amazing!?"

"Can I try?"

Your brother's smile faded. He chuckled and tucked the book in one of his arms. He patted the top of your head,

"Um, maybe some other time."

* * * *

"So I heard that your brother knows how to do magic now!"

You smiled, "Yeah! It's really cool, huh?"

"Can you do it?"

Everyone glanced at you, and you knew what answer they were expecting. But you couldn't answer that question. Not that one. Your smile shivered a bit but you kept it as you answered.

"No, not yet. My brother says that I should wait until I'm older to try it out."

"Oh wow that's nice of him!"

"Yeah, that's smart!"

You let out a small sigh of relief.

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