Trust (Jellal)

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Trust. You and Jellal, always had each other's backs. You lived normal and happy lives with your parents in a cottage. Your home was in the woods a little bit far from town. But, besides that, it seemed like the perfect place for a family.

You weren't rich or wealthy but you weren't poor either. You were just common folk. All that really mattered was that you were happy.

You were playing hide and go seek with your twin brother Jellal. He was aimlessly looking for you while you hide in your favorite spot. You normally and liked to hide here because it was the one place that he never looked.

You stifled a laugh as your brother walked past you. You could tell that he was ready to give up when you both heard your mother call for you.

"Kids! Time for dinner!"

"Coming mom!" Jellal yelled back.

He scanned the area one last time before running back to the house. After making sure he was gone, you leapt from your hiding place and smiled with triumph.

You brushed off your dress and headed inside. Your family was already at the table eating when you walked in. Your brother growled when he saw you.

"I still couldn't find you! Tell me where your hiding spot is!" He demanded.

"Nope!" You sat down and gave your mom a thankful smile. "Thanks for the food mom!"

"You're welcome. Now, eat up! And the vegetables too!"

You and your brother groaned. After dinner, you and Jellal went to your shared room. Unfortunately, your cottage didn't have enough bedrooms for all of you so you shared with Jellal. You didn't mind though. He was your brother. Besides, you trusted him that he wouldn't peek while you changed. And you wouldn't either.

You both changed into pajamas and slipped into bed. Your parents said goodnight and blew out the candle. You snuggled into your pillow and got into a comfortable position and started to fall asleep.

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"Do you think it would be cool to be a mage?"

"Like the ones in FairyTail?"


You thought about it for a few seconds.

"Maybe it would be cool. What kind of magic?"

"The most powerful kind! Then, I could be the best mage in the world! What about you?"

"Hmm, I want healing magic!"

"What? That's lame..."

"Well, someone has to take care of you. You're so clumsy all the time!"

"Am not!"

You both giggled and stared at each other.

"But, if we do become mages, then we'll stick together no matter what."

You eagerly nodded your head.

"Yeah! Promise?" You held out your pinky.

He smiled and hooked his around yours.


* * * *

It wasn't long before, you smelled smoke and burnt wood. Your eyes snapped open and you coughed. Your eyes widened as you looked around. Smoke was in the air and red was everywhere. Jellal started to wake up and stared at you with wide eyes.

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