I Was There the Whole Time (Lucy X Big Sister! Reader)

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When Lucy's mother died, her father barely looked at her. He only cared if she did her lessons correctly or if she was being a proper lady. She barely had any fun. But, there was you.

(Y/n) Heartfillia. Her older sister. You rarely listened to your father and was grounded regularly.

You always ended up running away either way. You didn't wear dresses. You barely listened to your lessons. And you weren't afraid to disobey your father.

Many nights, Lucy couldn't sleep because of the yelling coming from your father's study. You would end up arguing with him every night. Each night, was for the exact same reason. You questioned his love for his daughters. But, tonight was louder than usual.


"No more! Go to your room!"

"You know that I'll just run away!"

"But you always come back."

"Because I love my little sister! I know what love is! I don't ignore her efforts to get attention! I don't scream at her for the stupidest reasons! I don't act like she's not there! I don't let my grief mess up my life with my family!"

It stays silent for a few seconds. Your father's face is red from rage. You glare back. Then, you growl and throw your hands up in frustration before rushing out of his study. You changed into your traveling clothes and pulled out a golden key from your dresser.

You muttered a spell over it and walked out of your room. You carefully opened Lucy's bedroom door and tiptoed into the room. Your little sister slept peacefully as you walked over to her bed. You gently shook her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes. You immediately regretted leaving but you hated it here.

"(Y/n), are you leaving again?"

"Yeah, but I'm not going to come back this time."

She jerked up and shook her head. Tears were already streaming down her face. She jumped onto you and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"NO! Don't leave!"

"Shhh, it's okay. I didn't mean forever," You felt bad for lying to her but you had the key. The spell would work. You opened her tiny hand and placed the key in it. "Keep this key so that I'll always be with you."

She looked at you with teary eyes and nodded. You put her back to bed and walked out of her room. You didn't realize that you were crying until you were at your front door. You stepped onto the front lawn and looked at your house for probably the last time and walked away.

You pulled off the bandage that covered your (f/c) guild mark and took the train to Magnolia.

* * * *

Evergreen squealed when she saw you.

"There you are, (Y/n)!! We've been waiting FOREVER!" She complained.

You smiled and scratched your head.

"Sorry, just saying bye to Luce, you know, if I-"

"Shut up. You're not going to die, (Y/n)," Laxus interrupted.

You just nodded and followed them on the train.

"Yeah. Let's get the job done."

They nodded and you all stepped onto the train.

"How's Natsu by the way?"

"Still a brat," Laxus mumbled.

You laughed.

* * * *

The trip to the client's home was short. You all traveled to the client's house only to find it empty. You frowned, something wasn't right. You looked at the others. They were nervous too. You looked around then growled. You spun around and yelled.


You were all blown backwards into the wall. You groaned because of the the huge headache and ringing ears. You got up and looked around. The others were already fighting. You took out your whip and struck one of the bandits. He screamed in pain and fell over.

You turned around ready to cast a spell when you heard the crunch of flesh. Your eyes widened and you slowly looked. The blood was bleeding fast from the wound. How could one dagger kill you?

You cursed at yourself for being so stupid. You fell on your knees and heard the muffled yells of your friends. You silently started to cry. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You promised.

Your eyes widened in fear. You couldn't die. You promised Lucy. You promised her that you would be back. It was her birthday in a few days. You had to be there.

You heard your killer scream for mercy as Laxus slowly electrocuted him. Your eyes were already dull when you friends came. Evergreen shook your shoulder.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" She shook it some more. "H-ha. The joke's over. You can stop pretending anytime now..."

Bickslow looked away. Freed bowed his head. And Laxus didn't hold in his tears. Evergreen shook harder then slapped you.

"Dammit! Come on! You have to go home to Lucy! (Y/N)!"

Evergreen let out one last choked sob before finally laying her head on your chest. Your friends lowered their heads. The Thunder God Tribe had lost their most valuable member. (Y/n) Heartfillia. Your friends had to carry your corpse to the guild. It wasn't the same without you.

* * * *

And, ironically, your funeral was held on Lucy's 8th birthday. Lucy sniffled as they lowered your body into the ground. In her tiny hands, was the golden key you had given her. Your father didn't shed a single tear for you. The guild, who attended, wanted to squash his face for being heartless.

Little did anyone know, that he was dying on the inside. He excused himself to his office and Lucy recalls hearing sobs from his room. Lucy was sad and angry you died on her. But, how could she stay angry at the only person that she idolized and the one person that cared?

* * * *

The pain was gone. You groaned at the sight of the bright sun and sat up. You rubbed your head trying to remember what happened. Then, your eyes widened. You sat before...your gravestone.

You were dead.

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