Sick (Wendy)

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A gust of wind flew from your mouth, sending the items on your dresser to fall. Time slowed as you helplessly watched them crash onto the floor. You groan and twist around in your bed to bury your face in your pillow. You could pick it up later.


You peek an eye out from your pillow and see your little sister, Carla, and your exceed. Wendy rushes over to you while the exceeds clean up the mess on the floor. You smile as she feels your forehead. Her hand flinches back and she stares at you with wide eyes.

"(Y/n)! You're hot!"

You smirk. "Heh, thanks."

She lightly slaps your shoulder with a pout.

"That's not funny!"

"Wendy, I'm fin-"

Your throat burns as you cough into your elbow. You turn away, hoping to shield her away from your coughs. This continues for a minute before your finally able to breath. You inhale and breathe out. Wendy is frowning at you and you sweat.

You start to sit up. "Guess we better get goin-"

"-You're not going out today," She declares, pushing you back down.

"What? Wendy, let me get u-"

"-(Y/n), you should really stay in bed," (E/N) suggests.

You glance at your little exceed with mock betrayal. But you see that you're outnumbered one to three and sigh. You sink back into your mattress.


* * * *


You giggled and gently pinched your little sister's cheek. "Aw, Wendy your sneeze is so cute!"

She tried to look mad but ran out of breath and started coughing. You clicked your tongue while shaking your head as you dipped a rag in cool water. You used your other hand to rest it in her forehead. You nearly cry out with surprise and pulled it back.

"Holy crap, Wendy! Your head is almost as hot as Natsu's fire!"

She laughed lightly at your reaction before closing her eyes.

* * * *

"(Y/n), what are you doing up!?" Your flying friend shrieks.

You sip on the cooking spoon and let the soup clear the mucus in your throat. You begin pouring it into a bowl.

"I'm making soup for myself. What does it look like?"

"You're supposed to be in bed!"

You shrug and continue pouring yourself some soup. The serving spoon is suddenly gone from your hands and you nearly drop the bowl. You spin around and see Wendy scooping some soup and dropping it in your bowl. You smile.

"Thanks, Wendy."

"You should be in bed," She replies.

* * * *

You left Carla with Wendy to run real quick to the store. You got her lots of ingredients for stew and soup. And you got her a new spellbook. You and (E/N) enter3: the house and took off your shoes.

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