I'm Not Scared Of the Dark (Rogue)

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You finished wiping down the counter and slid out from behind the bar. You grabbed your coat and other things before waving to the sober guild members.

"Night guys!"

"Night (Y/n)!"


"Careful! Some of the street lamps are broken so watch where you're going!"

You scoff and shake your head as you leave.

Luckily the house was close by so you didn't have to walk far. You didn't really care too much. It's just that you were used to having Frosche and Rogue walking home with you. But they both went on a mission with Lector and Sting. Your brother said that he would be coming back in a day though.

You had been so deep in thought that you hadn't noticed the lack of light around you. The tension in your shoulders relaxed and you began to walk easier than before. You found comfort in darkness rather than light. It was because the sight of endless night reminded you of Rogue's shadow magic which made you feel safe. It was almost like you were a vampire.

You chuckled, shaking your head. You wish. That sounded awesome since you didn't have any special abilities like your brother.

You weren't granted to perks of being a dragon-slayer like your brother but you were a decent mage. You wish sometimes that you were a dragon-slayer. Your mind flashes back to a particular memory. One of the only ones you remember of your dad.

* * * *

You sat in the middle of the clearing, you back laying against the smooth scales of your foster father. In front of you are cards, each different from the rest. You pick them up and mix them up while deep in thought.

"What is on your mind, (Y/n)?"

"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, dad. I was just..." You nervously look back down at your cards. "Dad, how come I'm not like big brother?"

He's silent for a full minute before answering.

"I'm afraid that I can't answer that, young one."

You frown, feeling a little sad that you couldn't get an answer out of the smartest person-well, dragon you knew.


It's another tense silence that stretches out for six minutes before he says.

"Can your brother use cards as you do?"

"I-uh, no?"

"And you can't use dragon-slayer Magic."


You shoot a glance at your dad and catch him staring at the sky.

"Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. No matter how powerful they are. Even the best. So, young one, take pride in your path. I have a feeling that you're going to grow into something great on day."

You blush and go back to rearranging your cards.

"Thanks, dad."

"Of course, (Y/n)."

* * * *

You studied card magic harder than before after than. You acknowledged that your choose of magic wasn't anything too special but you thought it suited you. Your father approved and at that time, that was all that mattered. Too bad he's not around to see the amazing card-user you've become.

You felt your pouch shake and reach into it. You pull out your deck and notice one in particular standing out. It glowed faintly until you pulled it from the deck. It was a picture of the Dionysus, God of wine, partying, etc.

You heard footsteps and was about to check to see who it was when you suddenly heard loud laughter.

"Whyyyyyyy, hello thereeeee!"

You groaned and rolled your eyes, smelling the scent of alcohol and vomit behind you.

Great, why'd you have to run into a drunk idiot? You weren't sure how many more you could face today since you had to deal with them all the time at the guild.

It was just two guys but they were laughing hard enough to make it sound like there were four. One of them sidled up next to you. You cringed and scooted away from his breath.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing out here in the scary dark?"

An odd laugh slipped from your lips.

"What's so scary about the dark, sir?"

"Wellll, there's monsters and things a-and socks!"

You raised an eyebrow. "Socks?"

"Yesss, very dangerous socks! They gobble up people and animals in the middle of the night!"

You nod and quicken your pace.

"Yeah, well I'll make sure to be extra careful. Bye!"

Your stomach dropped when you felt a large hand roughly grab your wrist. The man pulls you back toward him.

"Wait, pretty lady! Don't you want to keep meh company?"

You shake your head, disgusted. "I'll pass, thanks."

He growls, tightening his grip.

"Like I said before, it's dangerous to walk alone in the dark."

You glare. "And like I said, I'm not scared of the dark."

You see something flicker behind the drunk and smirk.

"In fact, it's you who should be scared."

He turns around just in time.

"Shadow Dragon-Slayer: Fist!"

While your big brother continues to beat up the poor man, Frosche runs up to you.


You let out a quiet aw and kneel down to meet his hug.

"Hi, Frosche!"

"Did that bad man hurt you?"

You shake your head.

"Nope! I'm okay."

"Well, that's a relief."

You grin and stand, Frosche still in your arms. "Looks like you came just one time, Rogue!"

He nods grimly.

"I'm glad I did. God knows what that bastard would've done if I hadn't gotten here."

You unhook one of your arms and use it to pull your brother close.

"I would've been able to handle it. But thank you."

"Why the hell are you out here so late anyway?"

"Cause it's dark."

He smiles knowingly and grabs you hand, leading you home.

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