Sick (Natsu)

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It was finally winter. The cold flakes fell onto your hair as you walked toward your house. Unfortunately, Natsu had gotten sick so he couldn't go outside. He also didn't like that.

So you had gone to town to get medicines and some soup to help.

You unlocked your door and walked in. You gasped and almost dropped your groceries. You quickly placed them on the ground and rushed over to your younger brother who was curled up in a ball on the floor. He was shivering and his lips were slightly blue. You looked at Happy.

"What the hell happened!?"

"W-We went outside to play for a bit. But, he fell in the lake. I flew us back here."

"You played outside!? While he was sick!?" You roared.

The blue cat cowered from your aura.

"W-We were getting bored..."

You growled and quickly went to go light the fire place. It glowed brightly making the room slightly warmer. You walked over and pulled Natsu's body next to the fire place.

"Happy, go get some warm blankets and clothes for him."

"Aye, sir! I mean ma'am!"

The little cat flew off and you focused your attention back to Natsu. He wasn't shivering anymore but he still looked pale. Happy came back and gave you the clothes and blankets. You quickly changed Natsu and covered him in blankets. You laid him near the fire and stood up.

"I'm gonna go make him some soup. Watch him."

Happy nodded and you went to the kitchen. You picked up the groceries and got to work. After cooking, you poured the soup into a bowl and quickly rushed to Natsu. He snored loudly and you sighed. You shook him awake.

"Natsu, Natsu, wake up."

You let out a breath of relief when you saw his eyes open. He looked at you with tired eyes.

"What dwo ya (sniffle) want?"

"Eat this."


"Natsu, it'll help you get better."


"Natsu, come on."


A tick mark appeared on your head. You grabbed his head, opened his mouth, and poured it into his mouth.


"Ow! Ow! It's hot!"


He finished the soup and you went to put the dish away. When you came back, Natsu was curled up on the floor. You picked him up by the arms and dragged him to his room while Happy picked up the blankets. You placed Natsu on his bed and tucked him up. Happy joined Natsu and fell asleep. You were about to leave when a cold hand stopped you.

"Don't go..." He mumbled.

You gently smiled and crawled in bed with him. You used your magic to slightly warm him up. He sighed and started to snore. You smiled at his cute face.

Then, you sneezed. You glared at Natsu. Damn it...

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