Don't Forget (Dragneel Brothers)

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"Don't forget."

Those are the words that rung in his mind everyday. He would wake up, pondering where he heard that phrase. Or who said it. It could be anyone. Anyone could tell him that.

Yet he knows that that specific phrase is special for some reason.

Sometimes he thinks that he remembers. Then he forgets right when he remembers. And the cycle starts over again. It leaves him frustrated and confused. Could this person be related to Igneel somehow?

* * * *

"Don't forget."

He had told her that he wouldn't. But he's pretty sure that they both knew that he was lying. He was so busy back then. So busy trying to gain a piece of what had been lost.

Zeref remembers her sometimes. Then she's gone, gone just as quickly as she arrived.

The flower he's holding pathetically withers.

* * * *

He's sitting with his friends, laughing obnoxiously and having drinks. He's surrounded by his family and smiling like there's no tomorrow. Nastu doesn't remember what they're celebrating. He just knows that it ended with an epic fight and an over exaggerated explosion.

To his left is Erza and Laxus (who surprisingly came downstairs for once) is at his right. Nastu doesn't know why, but when he looks at the two older mages, a wave of nostalgia hits him. He feels as if they're familiar, even though he knows that they're not.

Instead of the scent of storms and metal, the pink dragon slayer smells vanilla and dusty books.

From the back of his head, a melodious voice whispers.

"Don't forget."

* * * *

He's sitting alone with only the memories of the past as his company. There's a presence, lingering close yet not approaching. The presence knows that she isn't welcome. So she stays in her spot, smiling sadly.

Zeref doesn't want to look at his old friend. He doesn't want to look because he knows that if he does, all will die. He didn't want that. It had taken a century for his favorite tree to grow again.

The dark mage breathes a sigh, heavier than he thought it would be. The person behind him, sitting lazily on the tree branch sighs as well. She senses his struggle and wants to help. She really does. But she can't.

So the only aid she offers is two words.

"Don't forget."

The area explodes with death but the girl is long gone.

* * * *

She comes to him in his dreams. She looks familiar to Natsu. The girl has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and has a peaceful smile. He knows that he knows her. He just does.

"Who are you?" He asks.

Instead of answering, the mysterious stranger walks right up to him. Her eyes shine with tears and she smiles with pride. For a while, she examines him, soaking in his appearance. Then very slowly, she raises a hand and rests it on top of his pink hair. She says something but no words come out of her mouth.

He doesn't need to hear her to know what's she saying.

"Don't forget." He says for her.

Then he wakes up.

* * * *

The only reason why he isn't forcing himself awake is that he wants to see her. He's almost forgotten what she looks like. But like always, she appears in front of him. Zeref almost breaks down at the sight of her lively state, even though he knows the truth.

Her eyes are sad as they gaze at each other. Zeref isn't sure what to say. What could he have said in that moment?

That he was an idiot? A fool? A murderer? Ha, he was all of those things and more.

As if reading his mind, she strides over to him and gently grasps his face between her hands. Her hands are careful and warm. The girl searches his dark eyes with her own. Then she stands up on her toes and presses a kiss to his forehead.

It's light but he feels it, and as she draws back, he whispers.

"Don't forget."

* * * *

She follows them around everywhere. Back then, that was the norm. Despite the age difference, they did everything together.

When tragedy strikes she tries to keep the family she has left together. But all those years ago, Zeref was blind. Blinded by his grief and determination to beat a god. It hurts her so much to see him suffering over restless nights.

And when Death comes, it isn't kind.

Not even to her.

She doesn't leave even after her body goes cold. She doesn't want to and doesn't plan to. Sure, she could go to the afterlife. But not without knowing that the brothers would be okay.

They're not okay. Far from it.

So she stays and tries to make them remember.

Remember that what they had and have now is real.

Remember that the times they made unfulfilled promises to each other.

Remember that family and friends are all that matters.

So, don't forget, okay?

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