I Don't Care (Final)

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Gray's stomach suddenly fills with dread when he senses the group advance toward them.

He was already tired and the wound on his leg wasn't going to be much help during the fight. Maybe if he could just get (Y/n) to safety...

Apparently his little sister had other ideas because she twisted in her chair and tossed her cake.

He heard a voice exclaim loudly.

"What the heck-ACK!"

The cake makes a loud splat as it hits its target straight in its face.

But the target isn't who he expected.


The dragonslayer licks most of the cake off his face and glares.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?! I like cake but there's no need for this!"

Gray ignored his comment and yelled back.

"Who the hell cares?! What are you doing at my home?!"

"We were wondering why you were leaving so early lately," A new voice said.

"Erza? Lucy?"

The two girls nod and he sighs.

"Okay, well you found my house. Happy? You can go now!"

"Well, aren't you going to introduce us to this cutie?" He found Lucy pinching (Y/n) cheek with a grin.

Knowing that this would happen eventually, Gray shrugged and gestured his hand over his sister's wheelchair.

"This is my little sister, (Y/n)."

Natsu gaped. "Dude, you have a sister?!"

(Y/n) nodded and smiled.

"Gray's told me a lot about you guys!"

That caused Erza and Lucy to smirk.

"Oh really?" The celestial mage asked.

She beamed and nodded again.

"Yeah! He's been coming home earlier to hang out with me more. He always tells me about you!"

Both of the girls squeal and gather his sister in a tight hug.

Lucy rubs her face against yours. "Oh my god, you're just too cute!"

"I have never seen such a precious child in my life..." Erza eagerly agreed.

Gray didn't know what to do...

* * * *

Gray finally managed to get ahold of his sister and sent the others back home.

He wheeled you back into your room and carried you to bed. You mumbled something incomprehensible as he laid you down and covered you with blankets. Gray smiled to himself.

You yawned, making an adorable expression as you did so. Your eyes closed and he took that as his cue to leave. He turned around and jumped when a hand firmly caught his wrist.

"Oh hell no. Get your stripper being back here and grab the med-kit."


He sighed, knowing that you were glaring daggers into the back of his head. He walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the kit.

You shifted yourself to the side, letting him sit, and grabbed the box from his hand.

You were about to lift his shirt and laughed when you saw that it was already off.


You stop but your grin remained. "Nothing."

You unwrap the roll of bandages and start to cover his torso with it.

He hissed in pain and you forced ice magic into your palms, making it less painful for him. You frown as you cover of his wounds. Some of them looked really painful. A couple minutes later and the job was done.

"And done!"

"Heh, thanks. You did a good job."

You blushed. "Yeah, I've been practicing. I thought that since I'm such a pain that I should be good at least one thing..."

Your eyes widened when you realized what you had said and rose your head, ready to apologize.

But your apology died in your throat when he pulled you into a hug. You both stayed in that position for a couple minutes and you didn't know whether or not he was going to speak.

"Um, Gray? Are you going to let go or-"

You wouldn't have heard his voice if you hadn't been listening closely.

"You don't really think that, do you?"

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm asking."

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"I'm a burden, Gray. I know that you've been taking extra jobs. You're covered in all kinds of scratches and bruises! And I can't even help make it better or-"

He tightens his hold.

"I don't care."


"I said I don't care," He pulled back and cupped your face in his palm. His cold skin was soothing. He stared seriously into your eyes. "I don't care if you're sick. I'll take care of you no matter what. I promised you that, and I'm keeping that promise. But that doesn't mean that you're a burden. I'll gladly fight a million bastards to keep you safe and well. You got it?"

You sniffle and silently nod. "Y-yeah..."

You dive forward and almost tackle him with a hug.

"I-I got it."

FairyTail Sister One-ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu