I Was There the Whole Time (Pt. 2)

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How many years had passed? Six? No, it was more.

The guild was surprisingly quieter for a couple years before your friends accepted your death. The Thunder Legion grew into a cold bunch. You were what kept the group alive. Without you, their lives seemed colorless.

You always loved shopping with Evergreen. She always came to you when her heart was broken by man. No secrets were kept from each other. You had grown to love her as a sister.

You loved being nerdy with Freed. You were one of the people who could bring out the daredevil side of himself. You also may or may not have helped him ask Mira out on a date once. You were his wing girl and always gave him the advice he needed.

You loved playing pranks with Bickslow and his 'babies'. Even better, his little wooden dolls loved you back. You both caused chaos throughout the guild hall and usually ended up getting chased by everyone. You were his sister in crime.

You were Laxus' first best friend. He would always come to you whenever he got stressed. Sometimes he would even hang out with you just to get away from his father. You were the only one who could make him genuinely smile.

In your own little way, you had wiggled into everyone's hearts.

So, when Lucy finally introduced herself as a Heartfillia, your group of best friends swore to take care of her. In your memory. That was the least they could do.

* * * *

It was her 17th birthday today...also the 9th anniversary of your death.

Lucy didn't feel like celebrating.

She simply walked into the guild and dumped her bottom onto a seat in the table of friends. They chatted for a while before Happy pointed out something.

"Hey, Lucy. What's that key on your neck?" He curiously asked.

Lucy tensed but relaxed afterwards and fondly held the key in her hand.

"This was from my older sister before she died."

"If I remember correctly, today's the anniversary of her death. Ain't that right?" A deep voice asks.

Lucy looks up with surprise only to find Laxus and the rest of the Thunder Legion. The lightning dragonslayer's eyes soften and places something in front of Lucy.

It's a wrapped box.

Lucy looks up again, except with confusion.

"Why-h-how do you even know my-"

Evergreen chuckled. "(Y/n), always spouted random nonsense about you. Always saying how cute and kind you were. There isn't a thing that we don't know about you."

The Heartfillia's eyes widen.

"(Y-Y/n)? Then that means-"

"That your awesome sis was in FairyTail? Yep!" Bickslow interrupted.

"Yep yep yep yep!" Echoed his wooden minions.

Lucy opened her mouth again but Laxus shoved the box onto her lap.

"J-just open the damn present!"

Knowing that she wouldn't understand even if she asked, Lucy obediently ripped her present open. It was...a note?

Everyone murmured with disappointment. They were expecting an actual present. Not a note. Lucy picked it up and read the words aloud.

"Open: Gate of the...Thunder Legion?"

Lucy felt the key wrapped around her neck explode into tiny fragments. Everyone gasped and Lucy immediately panicked. She jumped from her chair and tried picking up the pieces.

"Nonononono. Please god no."

Laxus and the others were about to help her when...something amazing happened.

Lucy stopped and watched with awe as the fragments slowly moved toward the center of the guild hall. The pieces of the key started to form a shape. The shape glowed painfully bright, lighting up the whole room.

Everyone uncovered their eyes after the light died down.

A (h/c)-haired girl cracked her knuckles. She wore jeans, a white t-shirt, combat boots, and a leather vest. She stretched her arms and placed her arms behind her head.

She grinned widely.

"What's up?"

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