I Was There The Whole Time (Final)

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"What's up?"

The guild is quiet and stares at you. You take this moment of silence to examine everyone's features. You barely have enough time to look at their faces before a small voice calls out.


You point your head toward the source of the voice. You cover your mouth as another grin grows on your face.

"Lucy?" You pull away your hand and slightly shake your head. "God, you've grown so much. Look at you! Mom would be so-"


You squeak as your younger sister nearly tackles you to the ground. She presses her face to your neck and giggles. You laugh aloud and spin her in circles. As you slow down, you feel tears wetting your neck. You pull away and wipe off her face.

"Hey, Lucy."

She starts to choke on her happiness.

"I-I thought-what-how?"

You pull out the key that had just broken a few moments ago. You place it in her palm and hold her hand.

"Lucy, you were never alone. I watched you grow through all these years. I was there for very moment that would have made mom proud. I was there when you first joined FairyTail. I was there when you went on that S-Class quest. Lucy..."

You softly cup her face in your hands.

"I was there the whole time."

She's sobbing now. You pull her in for another hug and whisper into her blonde hair.

"And now, with this key. You can call on me any time. No magic required. Cause I'll always be your guardian angel..."

Bonus Ending


"Hmm?" You glance over Lucy's head and see your old friends.

Lucy pulls away just in time as Evergreen leaps onto you.


You giggle as everyone starts to gather around.

"Hey everyone! How's it going? I-" You stop and look at a certain grumpy blonde.

Laxus smiles. A genuine one that hasn't been used for years.

"(Y/n), I-"

You rush forward as he opens his arms, preparing for a hug.

You air-kick his smug-ass face.

"You bastard! YOU TURNED LUCY INTO A STATUE!?!?!?"

Everyone sweat-dropped.

(A/n)- Hey everyone if y'all didn't get the bonus ending, let me explain real quick. So...remember the last episode of Season 1? Yeeeeeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Anyway! Hope you all enjoyed it! The end for I'm Always With You, will be coming out soon!

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