Always (Aquarius)

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You were just giving a report to the King when you noticed it. You saw your little sister from the corner of you eye. Her eyes sparkled with passion and love. You smirked and excused yourself. You floated over to her and rested your head on top of her.

"Checking him out, huh?"

Aquarius flinched then shook you off. "What the hell, (Y/n)!"

You laughed at her reaction and follow her gaze.

"Sooooo are you gonna ask him out or-"

She actually squealed and covered your mouth. You laughed through her palm at her growing red face.

"Mhm hmmm hmph!" (You're turning red!)

"Shut up!"

"Mmmph mm mph nmmph." (You can let go)

"No, cause I know that if I uncover your mouth that you'll shout something embarrassing!"

You pretended to be offended. "Nnmmmmmmph!" (Nooooooooo)

You crossed your hand and held it up.

"Mm mph mmmmph mmm!" (Cross my celestial heart)

"I don't care! It's still no!"

You shrugged. "Mmphm." (Okay)

You licked her palm. She groaned with disgust. An angry aura suddenly surrounded her and you sweat.


You nervously chuckled and started to back away.

"I-I'll always love you?"

The other zodiacs watched with amusement as your sister chased you around on waves of water.

* * * *

You waited patiently in the living room for her to come home.

Mistress Layla had summoned her for unknown reasons. You knew the woman very well and was one of the few key masters that you considered a friend. In fact, Aquarius liked her too, which was rare. She was a kind woman with a pure heart, in many ways she was like her ancestor. You were honored to be one of her keys.

You were just about to doze off when a golden light filled the room.

You smiled at your little sister. "Hi, Aquarius."


You noticed her sad expression and stood up, worriedly looking at her. You floated over to her and gripped her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

You began to feel scared when you saw her cry.


She dug her face into your shoulder and you stood stiff as her tears streamed down your skin.

"L-Layla's going to die soon."

You've had many masters die. But the words hit you like a ton of bricks. You patted on her back while trying not to cry. You had to be strong now.

"H-hey. It's going to be okay," You found yourself saying. "It's going to be okay."

"I don't want her t-to die, (Y/n)."

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