Stronger (Laxus)

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You were abused by your father. It's a commonly known fact to friends and family. He never truly loved you, and only kept you around to train you. He taught you how to contain your power, but it wasn't enough. Your power was too wild to control. Your father gave up on teaching you, and moved on to your brother.

Oh, your brother.

He was your father's legacy that would leave a mark. He was the perfect child. He was strong and capable of his magic. Your father, didn't love him per say, but did treat him better than you.

You didn't hate Laxus.

...Okay that was a lie, yes you did.

Especially since he would treat you so lowly. Like he was above it all. But he wasn't. He thought he was so strong and powerful. He was, but you would show him.

You would show him that one day, you could be strong too. You would beat him. And you would make him tell you you're strong. Stronger than him.

* * * *

You were really, really, tired.

Sweat rolled down the back of your neck. In fact, you were covered head-to-toe in sweat. Your legs and arms were sore, a painful reminder of your physical misery. You panted, each breath hurting your precious lungs.

"I get stronger!" You said.

But your grandfather shook his head, deflating into his usual size, "You're about to faint, (Name). Let's take a break."

You straightened your stance,

"I-I can take it! Come on!"


"Just one more round!"

"That's enough."

You summoned your magic, sparks flickering at your fingertips,

"Grandpa, just let me-"

"I said, that's enough," he turned his back to you, "That's enough training today. Go rest now."

You defeatedly watched him walk away and hung your head.

You saw Laxus in the shadows. Watching with what looked like interest. Then he smirked, and followed your grandfather out of the room.

You clenched your fists.


* * * *

Hey isn't that the Dreyer girl?"

"Ah yes, her father was kicked out of Fairy Tail I hear."

"Look at her, a child of that cruel man."

"I heard that she uses dark magic."

"I heard that her brother just became S-Class."

You commonly heard these things around your teenage years. Overshadowed by rumors and news. Yet their words didn't matter. You always ignored them.

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