Memories and Wishes (Zeref and Natsu)

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Emotional Music: (I don't own any of it)

Natsu's First Word (s):

You cradle your baby brother and groan as he pulls your hair. You yelp in pain and Natsu giggles at your misery. Someone snickers from the living room. A dark-haired boy sits on the couch with a spell book in his hand. You growl and look to your older brother.

"Zeref! It's your turn to watch him!"

He turns to the next page and continues reading.

A tick mark appears on your head.

That son of a...

You set Natsu down in his chair and stomp over to your big brother. He glances at you with a bored expression.

"Do you want something?"

You snapped. "OKAY THAT'S IT!!!"

"Wha-what are you doing!?"

You tackle Zeref and yank the book from his hands. You jump up and put a distance between you two. He quickly sits up and glares at you with hate.

"What the hell, (Y/n)!?"

"Wat da hell!"

You both freeze. You slowly turn your head to Natsu, who's staring innocently at your faces. You nervously chuckle and kneel down.

"Um, what did you just say?"

He throws his hands up with a grin. "WAT DA HELL!"


"...This is all your fault, Z."


Natsu grins. "Fwuck!"

You start to panic and look at your brother. "Zeref!"

He covers his mouth. "I didn't mean to, I swear!"

Natsu's First Steps:

You and your brothers had taken a trip to the park near your house. It was a beautiful day, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, on days like this, people should take an opportunity of its beauty.

The lake glittered with sunlight and the birds were sings lullabies. Your group set up a picnic under a shady tree and relaxed. Zeref took out another spell book and started to read. You frown.

"Zeref, take your eyes off that book. Enjoy the weather with us!"

"Hmm, that's nice."

You toss your hands up in frustration and stomp away with Natsu in your arms. You set him down near the playground and help him play on the swings and slides.

His giggles fill the air and you hope that the noise would attract Zeref's attention. You glance to the side only to be disappointed by the sight of Zeref still reading. You sigh and feel a tug on your shirt. You look down and see Natsu's worried face.

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