I Love You (Laxus)

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Your big brother was a jerk. An asshole. A bit narcissistic. But not heartless. It's just a phase.

Underneath all that tough guy act was just a person trying to be heard.

You did your best to support him. Hell, you always supported him. Some people would even joke that you were his cheerleader.

* * * *

Your father loved power. In fact, he was obsessed with it. He trained you and Laxus to be the best. But you were treated less harsh than your brother.

It was because you had your mother's looks.

That was all.

That didn't stop you from protecting him. You tried to stop his abuse. Your father was a strong and powerful man though. You against him never worked out.

One day, Laxus' power increased. You were horrified when you found out why.

"You put a lacrima in him!?"

"He has exceeded my expectations. That is all that-"

"That matters!? God, dad I thought you said you were going to change!"

Your father turned around to face you. "I am changing! I am helping him get a better future!"

You backed away, shaking your head.

"No, you should be supporting him! Just like me. You should be giving him love! Not experimenting on him!"

He glared. "I am his father. I decide what is best for-"

Static crackled around you and you growled.

"He decides what is best for him! Not you! You're not the one who wakes him up and gets him ready for school! You're not the one who goes to every single school game! You're not the one who comforts him when he has nightmares! You're never there, dad! You don't even deserve to be his dad! Because Laxus is a wonderful, ambitious kid who's going to surpass your ass!"

You spun around and began to march out of the room. But, you should've known that your father wouldn't let you walk away like that.

But before you could even turn the doorknob, you felt a searing pain in the back of your head.

Everything went dark.

* * * *

Laxus didn't want to believe it.


That couldn't be right.

Because the sister he knew would've kicked anyone's ass. (Y/n) wouldn't have just gone without a fight. He watched in the background as the guild master shouted at his son.

His grandpa thought that his dad was responsible. Makarov pointed at Ivan, his face red with rage. Crocodile tears angrily streamed down his wrinkled cheeks.

"I will ask only once more! Where is she, Ivan!?"

Why was the old man throwing fake accusations?

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