Approval (Minerva X Reader)

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You narrowly dodged Sting's attack and swept your leg against his shin. The dragonslayer cried out in surprise before catching himself and throwing a punch. This time, you couldn't avoid it and ended up having your face punched.

You knew the second that his fist connected with your face, that you would have a black eye later. Adrenaline helped ignore the sting (eh? Get it? Sting? No? Okay...) and you were about to retaliate when a booming voice stopped you in your tracks.

"That's enough!"

That tone. Crap. You and Sting both looked to the side, where your father sat lazily on his throne, an angry scowl on his face. You started to sweat when he started to stand. His huge hand slapped your cheek so hard that you were sure that a bruise was going to form later.

His hit sent you sliding across the carpet, scraping your exposed arms and knees. You hissed in pain as he pulled your head back by your (h/c) hair. You flinched when he shouted in your ear.

"Honestly, you're my daughter! How the hell are you so weak?!"

You were smart enough to not answer. You knew that if you did, that you only end up getting another bruise. So you bit your lip and stayed silent. He huffed and tossed you to the floor. You didn't need to look up to know that everyone was looking at you with pity. But, you looked up anyway.

Your eyes scanned the crowd of Sabertooth members, looking for one particular person, a small, hopeful smile on your face.

You caught her sitting on a chair not too far away from you.

But...she wasn't even looking in your direction.

Your face fell and you stood up and went to clean yourself up.

* * * *

You staggered into your home, biting back whimpers of pain. You barely acknowledged the fact that your blood was staining your carpet floor. You limped upstairs and into your room, your only sanctuary from your father's abuse.

You grabbed the med-kit from your night stand and sat on the edge of your bed. You pulled off your top after a couple minutes and started to bandage the wounds you were able to reach. It took a while but you managed to fix yourself up okay. You let out a long sigh and laid back on your cushions, your eyelids started to droop.

Tomorrow would be another day. Another chance. A chance to earn her approval.

* * * *

You had always sought her approval. You looked up to her, even though she was terrible. You really don't know why. People always thought she was cruel but you had been clinging to the belief that the Minerva you grew up with, is still there.

Maybe it was because you remembered the girl she was before your father sent her into the woods. You remember that terrible day so vividly.

Minerva had failed yet another training session. Your father wasn't pleased. He sent her into the woods alone, telling her to survive the night on her own. You had been wailing and crying while your father dragged you away from her. You thought you would never see her again.

So, why didn't you feel relived when you saw her again?

Even though you were really young, you could tell something was off about your big sister. There was a crazed look in her eyes, something you only saw in your father's. It scared you.

Ever since that day, she had turned cold and almost seemed heartless. She had even gone as far as to hit you sometimes, which gained your father's praise. It was like a chunk of ice had taken the place of where her heart should've been.

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