Don't Leave Me...(Natsu)

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"Hey Natsu!"

The pink haired dragonslayer turned around.


You panted and used your magic to warm yourself up.

"Are you sure that the monster's here?"

"Yeah! It shouldn't be much farther!"

Then, the frozen lake next to them suddenly explodes. An octopus like creature pops out. Natsu and you smirk and summon flames in your hands.

"I'm fired up!" You yell in unison.

You both jump into the air ready to attack while Happy cheers you on in the background. You punch one of its eyes making it screech. Natsu burned its left side giving an advantage to attack its tentacles.

You literally fry them and rip one of them off. It screeches even louder as it watches you eat it. You smile from satisfaction.

"Mmmm! This is delicious! Hey Natsu, make sure that we take some home!"

You hear your older brother scream then a splash.

"NATSU!" Happy cried.

You spun around and see a hole in the lake. Your eyes widened.

"No, don't tell me he-" Your thoughts are interrupted when the monster tries to attack again. You dodge and punch it a few yards away. You turn back around and run toward the hole.


You slide across the ice floor making sure not to crack the ice and reach down. You feel his arm and grab it. Happy helps you by pulling on your scarf.

You get him get of the pool and gasp at his body. He's deathly pale and his lips were slightly blue. He cracks open his eyes and opens his mouth.

"L-Look o-o-out..."

You cock your head and turn around. Next thing you know, you're flying in the air with the most extreme pain you've ever felt. You coughed blood and crashed into a trunk of a tree. You slowly and painfully slid down.

Natsu and Happy's eyes stared at you in shock. Natsu growled and a burst of fire exploded around him, completely forgetting how cold he was. Happy backed away from both the fire and Natsu's deadly look. His eyes turned blood red before he roared and charged the monster.

Happy rushed over to you and gasped. The tree had a huge crack in it. It was about to collapse. Happy watched in horror and opened his mouth making a silent scream as the tree fell on top of you. Luckily, you were having a dream and didn't feel the pain.

* * * *

A 6-year old (Y/n) gigged as she and her big brother, Natsu, ran through a grassy field. Then, you tripped and fell. You sniffled and cried out for your older brother.

"Natsuuuuuuuu!" You whined.

He turned around and rushed back to help you back on your feet. You giggled and hugged his waist.

"(Giggles) Thanks Natsu!"

He smiled widely back at you.

"Yeah! You can count on me!"

* * * *

Natsu, who was covered in monster guts, finally noticed your broken figure and let out a cry.

He sprinted toward you and slid on his knees. He slipped his hands under the tree and tried to lift the tree. Happy struggled while he tried to drag your body away from the weight of the tree. Natsu dropped it and clutched onto your limp, cold body. He cradled your body and rocked back and forth. He tried to use his remaining magic to warm you up.

FairyTail Sister One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora