Bitter Reunion (Leo)

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Loke, or Leo, walked lazily down the street. He could feel himself getting weaker and weaker. It was almost time for him to pay. Almost time to atone for his sin.

He just really wished, that he could've seen her again.

* * * *

"I'm not sure about this, Leo."

He tightened his tie, getting himself ready for the upcoming event. He turned to his little sister, and sighed.

"Well what the hell do you expect me to do? I can't just sit by and watch Aries be abused like this!"

Her face turned red with rage. "How can you even say that?!? Of course I don't like seeing her hurt! B-but can't we find another way?"

He slammed his fist against the wall, cracks appearing the pressure.

"THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!" He panted. "I have to do this!"

"Well what is she dies, Leo!?"

The sentence made him pause.

He...hadn't thought much about that. He knew, that if Karen was killed because of him, that the consequences would be bad. Very bad. He wouldn't be able to return.

He wouldn't be able to return to his sister.

Suddenly, he heard a cry.

He knew who it was.

Leo turned to his sister, who's eyes were welling up with tears.

Both of them flinched as Aries cried again, begging their master to stop.

"I'll come back," He said quickly.

The last thing he saw before stopping Karen, was his sister's heartbroken face.

* * * *

Loke wondered how old she was now.

Not that zodiac spirits can actually age. His sister liked to change her appearance for fun, sometimes.

He sighed as he saw the waterfall. A bitter smile was brought to his lips. Loke didn't deserve such a beautiful sight before his end. Not after what he allowed to happened.

He didn't deserve to live.

Loke flinched, grasping his side as pain flared in his body.

It was time.

But then-"Loke!"

* * * *


The lion spirit spun around just in time to see his sister. She sprinted forward, an excited smile on her face. She literally leaped, tackling him in the process.

He laughed and ruffled her hair. "Hi to you too."

She pulled back with a grin.

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