Bitter Reunion (Final)

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Your knees fell from underneath you and landed hard on the floor. You ignored the pain in your legs and let out a shaky breath. You raised your head to look at the Celestial King.

"Your Majesty, y-you're not serious, are you?"

But you knew. You had felt it. The connection to your brother had been broken. You just didn't want to believe it to be true.

Besides, the Celestial King was not one to lie.

The giant looked down at you, sorrow and pity in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). But he is hereby banished until he-"

"Karen was a tyrant! He doesn't deserve this!" You stood on your shaky legs and glared up at him. "She abused Aries! She abused her power! Hell, we should be glad that she died! But don't let my brother take the blame!"

"It is law-"

You swiped your hand, anger boiling in your veins.

"SCREW THE LAW! BRING HIM BACK! BRING HIM BACK HOME!" You took a deep breath and lowered your head. "B-bring my big brother back to me."

Silence was your answer. You clenched your fists and spun on your heel. You passed the other gold zodiacs, ignoring their concerned stares.

A dark shadow had take over your aura.

* * * *


"Do you know-"


"How long I waited-"


"For you to come back!?"

Leo backed away just in time to dodge an uppercut from (Y/n). The edge of her magic cut his cheek, making it sting. She roared, sprinting at him with inhuman speed.

"You should've listened to me!"

I know, he thought.

"And you were banished!"

I know.

"You left me!"

* * * *

You sat in your room, your eyes dull and empty. Nausea suddenly filled your throat and you run to the bathroom. You barely managed to open the lid and seat and vomit. You gagged on the sour and disgusting aftertaste and throw up even more. You stayed there for another moment, throwing up the last of the vomit before flushing it down.

You stayed in that position, not wanting to move. You heard someone enter the bathroom and don't bother to greet them. That someone gasped and rushed over to you. You shut your eyes tight, feeling another wave of nausea hit you. You barf into the toilet, wishing for it to end.

The person rubbed soothing circles on your back and helped hold your hair back.

When you're finally done, you felt exhausted and shakily stood. The person, who you still haven't seen, hooked their arms under your legs and picked you up. You leaned your head against their chest and let them put you to bed.

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