Congratulations (Lucy)

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He felt the glares digging into his back as he made his way. Conversations went quiet as he neared the bar and took a seat. He raised his hand, motioning for a drink.

Two minutes passed and he still didn't get his drink. He looked up, ready to just ask for the damn drink but his voice died in his throat when he saw Mira's dark aura.

He decided to just not have the drink.

Cana, who was usually spouting drunken words and phrases, was strangely quiet. But the dragonslayer still caught her glare as she sipped from her mug.

The guild was almost silent and he knew that everyone was either glaring at him or purposely ignoring him.

Even Happy had been disgusted by him and was sitting with Gray and the others at a table. The guilt in the pit of his stomach burned like his fire. He laid his head on the bar counter and closed his eyes.


Oh thank god. He turned around and got off his seat. He opened his arms wide with a relieved smile on his face.


You smiled, oh that beautiful smile, and nodded.


He walked forward, ready to take you into his friendly embrace.

Suddenly, your hand stopped him in his tracks. You leaned in close with an all too calm smile, and hissed.

"Congratulations," You lightly shoved him back and crossed your arms. "You've invented a new kind of stupid.
A damage-you-can-never-undo kind of stupid. Ha, an open-all-the-cages-in-the-zoo kind of stupid.
Clearly-you-didn't think-this-through kind of stupid."

He looked at you confused. Were you...singing?

You cross your arms. "Let's review.
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it.
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!"

You grab his scarf and stare into his eyes.

"I begged you to take a break, you refused to," You let go and shove him back. "So scared of what your enemies might do to you."

"You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to!
You know why Sting can do what he wants?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!"

You laugh bitterly. "So yeah, congratulations. You've redefined your legacy.

Nastu shuts his eyes as he shouts. "It was an honorable sacrifice!"

You freeze, and your eyes widen. You turned you back on him and take a deep breath. You glare at the ring on your left hand.

"I languished in a loveless marriage in London
I lived only to read your letters
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'"

You realize your crying and shake your head as you turn back to him.

"That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
And you know what I'm here to do?"

He reached over to wipe your face.


And you want to feel his warmth. But the cold reality of the situation reminds you of why you're angry. You slap his hand away.

"I'm not here for you."

You begin to circle him, a venomous glare aimed at him.

"I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind."

You smile sadly as you recall that night.

"And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
So I stood by
Do you know why?

You're out of breath, your face is red with rage. You wipe your tears away and yell in his face and stomp toward him.

"I love my sister more than anything in this life!
I will choose her happiness over mine every time!"

You wail your sister's name.


Swiping your arm to the side, you shout. Magic crackling along your arms.

"Is the best thing in our life!
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife.
For the rest of your life.
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister.
Give her the best life.


An aura began to fill the room. Everyone mutely watched as magic energy circled around you. You charged forward and crushed your right fist against his face.


* * * *

Me and Commander laugh as we finish singing the last verse. I wave at you and grin.

Feels sees you and waves enthusiastically. "Heeeeeey Hamilton lovers! So, hope you enjoyed the one-shot cause that was the first time that I did something like this."

I smirk. "And don't worry. She's planning on writing noooooonstoooop."

She bursts out with laughter.

"Oh my god, Narrator!"

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