Don't Worry (Evergreen)

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You walk around the house, tidying the home however you could. Kinda hard when you're blind though. You still do it anyway. You know the house inside and out.

You just finish dusting the bookshelf when you hear the door open. You smile as the sound of sharp heels prod the floorboards. They get louder as they get closer until they're right behind you.

You turn around and smile,

"Welcome back, Everg-mmf!?"

Your mind goes blank when a towel reeking of chemicals is pressed against your nose.

* * * *

"Oh (YYYYYYYYY/n)! I'm home! And I bought you your favorite snack!"

Evergreen kicks off her heels while holding a small bag in her hand. She sighs, kind of aching from her last job request. She steps into the kitchen, where (Y/n) always finishes cleaning.

Instead of a hello like Evergreen expects, she's greeted with silence. She nervously laughs, startled by the lack of (Y/n)'s presence. She steps near the counters.

And spots a ripped note near the sink. She curiously grabs it, confused. (Y/n) couldn't write a letter that well due to her blindness.

Her stomach drops when she reads the words. Evergreen lets the bag fall to the floor, scattering the goods she planned to give. She backs away slowly, covering her mouth. Then she pulls it away and frantically looks around.

"(Y/n)?" she runs down the hallway "(Y/n)? (Y/n)!? Young lady, this is not funny! Come out right now!"

She scours the whole house, tearing curtains aside and looking in closets. But her little sister cannot be found. Evergreen grabs her hair, tugging at the strands as panic fully settles in.

(Y/n) was gone. Someone took her.

Evergreen finally snaps out of her frantic daze and sprints outside.

To the Fairy who's eyes turn onlookers to stone. We have the girl. Come get her and let us settle a deal.

* * * *

You sit on a bench alone with your hands bound in your lap. You sigh and stare down because you didn't see the point at staring at unfamiliar surroundings. Even though you were blind, you could still feel the roughness of the wall your back was resting against.

You don't think that your kidnappers know you're blind. That's a disadvantage. What is an advantage, is your sensory magic.

You listen closely, making sure that there isn't anyone near. Then you take a deep breath.

"Sensory Magic: Third Eye."

Suddenly you can feel and sense everything around you. You can feel the rats skittering in the wall behind you. You can feel the presence of your kidnappers outside your cell. They sat at a table playing cards, completely oblivious.

You laugh to yourself.

This catches the attention of one of them. Your magic sense switches off when you hear your cell door harshly pull open. Heavy footsteps approach and you keep your head down with your eyes closed.

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