I Don't Need Your Help (Laxus X Sister! Reader)

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Laxus hurried off the train, dodging the crowds left and right. He tightened the cloak around his neck and made sure that his face was hidden. No one seemed to recognize him as he walked down the familiar and lively streets of Magnolia. He decided to take a stroll around town, visit old places.

And there was one that he really wanted to visit.

He casually strolled down the cobblestone paths leading to his house. He wasn't going to lie. He was nervous. Laxus didn't know what your reaction would be. He didn't even say goodbye to you when he left.

He knew that you must've been devastated and pissed. Your big brother assumed that you were either going to cry or punch him. Either one would be fine and understandable.

But as his old home came into view, he noticed that none of the lights were turned on.

Maybe you weren't home?

He sighed and knelt down to grab the spare key from underneath the flower pot. He opened the door to reveal a neat and organized home.

Laxus chuckled. When he lived here, he always made a mess. You would always yell and scold him like you were a mother.

Something caught the corner of his eye and turned. A gentle smile graced his lips and he stepped over to the coffee table. On top, was a collection of pictures and picture frames. He recognized most of them but the others he assumed, must've been taken while he wasn't looking. His eyes drew to the picture sitting in the center.

Oh, he remembers that day...

* * * *

"Laxus! Come on, hurry up!"

He huffed as he jogged after his sister, who was excitedly skipping through the fields.

"Jesus christ, slow the fuck down. The tree isn't going anywhere!"

She turned her head to stick her tongue at him.

"You're just jealous of my awesome running skills!"

"Oh shut up and-HEY LOOK OUT-"

She grunted as she fell backward. He sweat.


He rushed to her side. She was holding her left cheek and he caught the color red slipping down her face. He sighed and pulled out his backpack. He lifted the flap of the bag and began to rummage through it. Below him, his sister pouted.

"I don't need your help."

"I'm not helping you," He smiled when he found the item he was looking for and held it in front of her face. "I'm just taking a picture so that I can keep it."

"Laxus! Is that a camera lacrima?!"


"You're such an jerk!"

* * * *

A bitter smile formed on his lips.

I don't need your help.

She was stubborn and tough. It seemed to run in the family. Hell, she's blind in her left eye and she still doesn't accept help. Seriously, she refused to accept any type of help.

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