Cuddles! (Part 2)

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Natsu and Happy:

You opened your eyes and felt warm and snuggled into it. You realized that the warmth is a person. You look up and smile. It was...the pink haired idiot himself.

"Natsu! What took you so long?"

"I had to beat Gray's butt!"

You giggled and put your head on his warm chest. It felt like you were laying by a fireplace. You felt a slight weight on your legs and looked down.

"Hi, Happy!"

"Hey, (Y/n). Natsu! How dare you cuddle her without me? I thought we were best friends!" Happy cried dramatically.

You giggled as the two friends started to argue and felt yourself fall asleep again.


You opened your eyes and the first thing you noticed was that you head was place in someone's chest. You blushed realizing it was...Lucy. You smiled at the celestial mage.

"I thought you were going on a job with Erza!"

"How could I refuse cuddling with a cute little thing like you!" She cooed.

You smiled and rested your head on her chest as you started to fall asleep again.


You shifted your neck uncomfortably and opened your eyes. You saw a streak of familiar scarlet hair. You looked up and smiled widely.

"Erza! Weren't you supposed to be on a job?"

"Lucy said she wanted to do it to help pay her rent. Besides, I was in a cuddling mood."

"I'm glad. I was getting lonely."

Erza just chuckled and pulled your head against her metal chest plate. You groaned in pain and held your head. Erza gave you a apologetic smile.


"It's fine."

You placed your head on her lap and fell asleep.


You woke up with sweat streaming down your face. It was so hot in this freaking guild hall! Then, you felt a cold presence and leaned into it. You smushed your face against Gray's chest in accident. You looked at him and awkwardly smiled.

"H-Heh, hi Gray."

"Hey, (Y/n)."

You just silently snuggled up against him trying to cool down. Gray noticed something.

"(Y/n), why are you blushing?"

"Gray...your clothes."



You felt slightly down that no one would cuddle with you . You sighed and felt a soft fabric against your face. You opened your eyes and saw Juvia's blue curls. You smiled happily.

"Hey, Juvie! Weren't you taking pictures of Gray?"

"Gray, won't even look at me. I thought that cuddling with you would make me feel a little better. Maybe loved for once..." She mumbled.

You smiled kindly and open your arms wide and took her into them.

"Well! There's plenty of love right here!"

The rain woman's eyes widened in shock then happy tears gathered in her eyes. She slowly hugged back. She wasn't the sad, gloomy, rain woman. You accepted her and was happy to give her the love that she wanted. (Not in a dating way! Remember you're 12!! Just saying!)


When you woke up, you noticed that your head was on someone else's. You slowly picked your head up and looked. Wendy's sleeping face made you smile. She must have come back while you were asleep.

You placed your head back in its old place and fell back asleep.

Makarov had come up to wake you up but gently smiled when he saw the two children sleeping. He had grabbed a blanket and put it over the cuddling kids.


You yawned as your opened your eyes. Then, you felt something cold against your face. It was someone's muscular arm covered in...metal? You turned your head and immediately recognizes Gajeel's piercings. You looked up at a blushing Gajeel. You smirked and poked his red face. You giggled.

"Gajeel...are you blushing?"


"'re a softie!"

"Shut up, kid. Or else I'll change my mind."

You stayed quiet after that and smiled. You snuggled yourself in his chest and started to fall back asleep. But you whispered one word before your eyelids fell.


Gajeel mumbled a bunch of curses under his breath.


You woke up and groaned. It felt like you were having a hangover (Don't even ask). Your ear was against someone's chest and you heard them chuckle.

"What's wrong with you?"

Your eyes widened and you looked up. Laxus Dreyer one of the biggest jerks in the world (Then, why are you friends with him, readers!?) was cuddling with you. You smiled widely.

"You came!"

"Course I came."

"You said you didn't want to."

"Changed my mind. Why? You want me to leave?"

You clung onto his waist as his answer. He tried getting up but your feet dangled in the air because of his height. He sighed with defeat and plopped back on the couch making you bounce.

You giggled when you saw a tint of red on his cheeks. He was always bad talking about how weak the guild was but here he was starting to blush redder than a tomato. You placed your head on his purple furry coat. He lifted it up and covered both of you in its warmth.

Cuddle Time With....EVERYONE:

You woke up noticing how the couch had shifted weirdly. You looked to the side and saw almost half-no, the whole guild was cuddling. It was a strange sight. Lucy, Natsu, and Happy we're together. Freed and Mira. Gajeel and Levy. You could've gone on with the list. But the cutest one, was Laxus awkwardly cuddling his grandpa. You smiled happily and threw your hands in the air.

"I now name this day: CUDDLE DAY! We do this on the very exact day as tradition!"

The guild cheered in response but most were drunk so they had no idea what the heck they just signed up for. Poor them. They had no idea what they were in for...

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