I Missed You (Gajeel)

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"Gajeel, I don't want to stay here. I want to join another guild," whined (Y/n).

"What why?"

"The things that the Master makes us do...they're terrible. I mean, we didn't have to wreck FairyTail's guildhall. We didn't have to beat up those three people. Especially the blue haired girl! And we didn't have to injure their master!" You argued.

"Hey, they started it-"

"No we did! Because of the Master's pride!"

"This talk is over."

You huffed and stomped away. You went back to your house while he was gone and started packing your bag.

You had almost grabbed everything and was walking out the door when you realized you forgot something. You rushed to your room and picked up your pillow. Under it, was 7-year old you and an 8-year old Gajeel standing next to a ginormous dragon.

Gajeel said that Metalicana deserted you but you believed that he left for a reason. He became so bitter when you both woke up to find him gone.

All you remembered were the nights you and Gajeel curled up next to him when you fell asleep. You remembered how you always giggled when Metalicana teased Gajeel. You remembered the joy you felt when Gajeel and Metalicana praised you for your skills and art.

A tear fell down from your cheek but you wiped it away. You quickly scribbled a note and slammed it on the counter. You threw away your house key and walked into the woods.

* * * *

"Look (Y/n), I'm sorry about that," Gajeel said as he walked in. "(Y/n)?"

He sniffed the air and his eyes widened. He ran to your room and kicked open the door. He expected to hear you scream in surprise and yell at him. But the room had no sign of you. It was empty. And he could barely smell your scent.

Gajeel started to take shallow breaths. No, this can't be happening. He ran around the house calling your name but you didn't answer. Then, he finally noticed a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. He snatched the paper and read the note.

Gajeel, if you're reading this then I'm gone. I don't know about you but I regret what we did. All the chaos we created. When Metalicana left, you drifted away from me. I didn't know you anymore. I don't know you now. We fought more often. You wouldn't even acknowledge me as your sister in public. You glared even when I didn't do anything wrong. You wanted to make Jose proud but what about me? Did you care what I thought? I plan to travel far away and don't follow me. I don't want to be reminded of what we did to all those people. I still love you Gajeel. And I hope one day, that you will change and others will see the older brother that I used to know. Bye Gajeel.

His hand shook as he read the last of the note. He didn't mean for this to happen. He just wanted the best for you. He ran outside hoping to track you down. Maybe it wasn't too late.

He caught a faint scent of you and followed it. You obviously had some trouble since there were a few knocked out random drunks and broken branches. He grew even more worried.

Your scent was fading.

He walked into a clearing. This was your favorite spot. You would always come here whenever you wanted to relax. Your scent was lost among the scent of the flower-covered fields.

He howled to the sky. He cursed, he yelled, he cried. Why couldn't he keep the one thing worth fighting for?

* * * *

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