Blame (Gajeel)

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You smiled when you saw him with your friends. You just recently noticed, but he looked...less mean lately. Ever since you joined Fairy Tail, things have been better for you two. You were both definitely happier than the old guild.

Your smile faded when you thought of that.

You knew that your days as a dark mage were over. But people still remember. You've seen some of the other members glaring at you. They never really forgave you for what happened to their guild hall. You didn't blame them.

But it was stressful because you weren't even part of the attack at all. You were at home, sick. Unable to help protect Gajeel. Yet you were still blamed.

You clenched the cup in your hands and bit your lips.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

You felt a small paw rest itself on your shoulder and turned to look at the owner. You silently nodded and gave Panther Lily a smile.

Yes, I'm okay, you signed.

He stared at you for a second before shrugging. "If you say so. I'm always here if you need me."

Thank you.

You took a sip of your drink and watched Gajeel get into another fight.

No one noticed you crying.

* * * *

You were just going to your favorite bakery. It was a cloudless, sunny day outside. You smiled when you smelled the scent of baked goods. Your stomach growled in response and you sped up your walk.

You were so excited that you accidentally bumped into someone. You immediately turned around and raised your hands up in surrender.

"Oi, got a problem?"

You shook your head.

"Why'd you bump into me?"

You tried to sign an apology but the guy shoved you.

"How do you like it?"

You managed to catch yourself and look back at him. You desperately wanted to apologize. You heard a woman speak from the crowd. Wait, when did a crowd form?

"Hey isn't she from Phantom Lord?"

"Yeah. I think that her brother's Gajeel Redfox."

"Tch, she's one of those dirty mages."

"It's her fault that all that trouble happened."

You backed away, shaking from the angry glares.

"Oi, you lot. She's mute. Leave 'er alone."

You turned and smiled with relief when you saw the baker. In his hands was your favorite baked good wrapped up. He nodded at you and protectively stood in front of you.

"Besides, she ain't with Phantom no more. Even if she was she's a nice lass. So leave 'er alone."

Some of people have backed off, a few looked sorry, others looked like they didn't want to deal with this. The man you accidentally bumped into growled before following the others. The rest went back to walking wherever they were going. The baker looked back at you.

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