Proud (Lyon)

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It was a cold night, colder than usual. You sat on the front porch with crossed legs. The freezing air had numbed your skin by now. And you were sure that your eyelids were frozen shut.

A loud creak came from behind you but you showed no reaction.


You let out a breath, "Yeah, Lyon?"

"When are you coming inside? It's freezing out here!"

"Another hour."

He sighed and you heard his small steps approach your spot. He stopped in front of you. You exhaled again.

"Do you want to sit with me?"

"Out here!?"


"But it's cold..."

"Well, whatever you want. I'll just be out her-"

A soft thump next to you notified you that he had taken a seat. You felt him trying to hold down his shivers and sighed.

"Embrace the cold, Lyon. Shiver if you have to, but embrace it."

"How can you do this?"

You finally pried open an eye to look at him,

"I've got to train if I want to become a great wizard one day. It takes a lot of work, I know. But it'll be worth it in the end."

"Can I be a great wizard too?"

You hummed to yourself, "Maybe."

His eyes sparkled.

* * * *

"Teach me!"

Your (e/c) eyes looked at him. You scrunched your eyebrows, not sure that you heard him right.


Lyon's face was blushing as he sat across from you, "I-I want to learn from you. Teach me how to be a ice mage!"

You stared at him for a little bit. He had potential, sure. But how would he use it? He wasn't a malicious person, no not at all. You knew that he wouldn't be like that.

You sighed, picking up your plate to wash it. You rested a hand on his shoulder as you passed him.

You nodded at him, "Meet me outside in twenty minutes."

As you left the dining room, you swore you heard him quietly cheer.

You shook your head, ignoring the quirk in your lips.

* * * *

You and Lyon walked side by side carrying paper bags filled with ingredients. For dinner. It was a peaceful night. Your little brother suddenly glanced in your direction.

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