Lost In December (Final)

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It happened on Christmas Eve. This was the day that Natsu Dragoneel dreaded every year.

Luckily, he had agreed that he would not drink any alcohol.

It was good that he did too.

Or else what he wouldn't believe what he saw next...

"Ice Brain!"

"Flame Breath!"

"Frost Princess!"





The poor ice wizard and fire dragonslayer didn't notice the guild cowering in a corner. When they did, it was too late.

Erza Scarlett had transformed into her most deadly armor. They sweatdropped before screaming as Erza chased them around the guild hall. She was screaming words that sounded like 'HOW DARE YOU DESTROY MY CHEESECAKE!' Or along the lines of 'I will murder you!'

It was sorta hard to tell over Natsu's and Gray's screaming. Luckily, the opened doors came to their rescue.

In the Fairy Tail guild doorway, stood their good friends, Sabertooth. The other guild watched the scene with both amusement and a bit of fear. Sting chuckled nervously.

"Ha! It's never dull with you guys, is it?"

"Sting, save us! Erza is about to murder us!" Natsu screamed.

The Sabertooth guild just ignored them and took seats to watch.

"You traitors!" Gray yelled.

Erza was just about to attack again when Natsu noticed something.

"Hey, Sting, who's that?"

Sting looked at the figure next to him and put his arm around them. He gave him a smirk.

"This is my girlfriend! (Y/n)!"

A cup broke against the floor.

Erza, Gray, Happy and Lucy looked at Natsu with worry. His eyes were wide and his mouth was getting wider as the figure stood up. They took off their cloak, revealing a familiar scarf, and placed the cloak on their chair.

Everyone looked at the scene with confusion. Only Team Natsu knew what was happening.

The figure had tears running down their cheeks but had a huge smile. The girl said two words that made Natsu break.

"Hi, Natsu."

* * * *

You looked at your brother. You tried to smile but you were shaking so bad. Sting looked at you worriedly.

"(Y/n)? How do you-"

You couldn't help it. You sprinted toward your brother and tackled him to the ground.

You couldn't believe it was him.

All those years, all alone without him...you cried happy tears. You felt complete. Natsu finally hugged back and held you tight.

The guild was quiet except for the sobs coming from the Dragoneel siblings. You pulled back and took a good look at Natsu. he hadn't changed a bit.

Then she raised her hands and-*SLAP*

Gasps filled the room. Natsu's eyes were wide. His cheek was a worrying shade of red. You panted as you held your hand frozen in the air.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THE HELL I'VE BEEN THROUGH!?" You used both hands to grab his collar and put your face close to his. "I was nearly frozen in that forest! I walked for hours! HOURS, Natsu! Just for a stupid game of frisbee!"

Natsu looks away, knowing that it was his fault. His sister's arms started to shake.

"I was...alone! For ten damn years, Natsu! Without dad, without...you! And just when I think I've found you..." Your fists were gripping his vest so tight that your knuckles had gone white. "I find out that you got blown up on an island! What. The. Hell!?"

Your brother was quiet. You finally noticed and looked down.

You didn't have enough time to say anything when he pulled you to his chest.

His tears soaked your hair. You slammed your fist against his chest while crying. Your hits slowly became weaker and you decided to give up.

You hugged your brother back, realizing just how much you missed your stupid sibling.

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