I Don't Care (Gray x Sister! Reader)

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Gray huffed as he rolled to the side, narrowly dodging the magic attack. Ice slowly grew from his palm while cold mist surrounded his hand.

"Ice Make: Spears!"

His ice-make weapons shot through the air and pinned at least four dark guild members by their clothes. Moving on to the next row of mages, he found himself back-to-back with Titania herself.

Together the duo took out dozens of dark mages, their bodies slowly forming into a pile. Of course, as he expected, Team Natsu demolished the dark guild hall. But at least the job was done.

Now he would be able to get home and check on-"Oi, Gray!"

The ice mage had to bite back a growl of irritation and took a deep breath. He straightened his back and regained his composure. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing his team looking at him.

"We were all thinking we could all stop by Erza's bakery and grab some cheesecake!" Lucy explained.

Erza nodded in agreement. "We were wondering if you wished to join us."

Gray was a second away from saying no when a thought occurred to him. He shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get going. I wanna be home before dark."

He received a couple curious looks but he forced himself to ignore them and brush past them.

A Little While Later

'How the hell did that woman eat so much cake?', Gray wondered as he watched, along with the others, while Erza stuffed yet another slice into her mouth.

Ten empty plates were sitting on her right side. Gray groaned, letting his stomach digest the two huge slices of cheesecake he had just eaten. He glanced outside the cafe's glass and noticed the sky slowly turning to orange. He cursed under his breath and abruptly stood.

"Uh, sorry guys but I have to go home."

"What? Why?"

He scratched the back of his head, trying to think of an excuse. Erza seemed to notice his nervousness and intervened.

"Ah, this must be because of that injury you caught during the battles?" She said smoothly.

Gray sent her a thankful look and nodded.

"I-uh, yeah. Guess I got a bad beating," God, he regretted the moment he said that. Natsu was eating this up and grinning like an idiot.

The dragonslayer pointed at him.

"HA! I didn't get injured whatsoever!"

Happy and Lucy sent him a skeptical look.

"Really?" Lucy mused aloud. "Weren't you crying about having a splinter during the fight?"

Gray couldn't contain his snicker. Natsu's face suddenly was the same color as his hair, maybe darker.

"I-it was a big splinter!"

Happy rolled his eyes as he took a chomp out of his fish.


During this interesting conversation, Gray had managed to swipe a cheesecake and snuck out of the cafe. He slipped past couples and children, balancing the cake on his hand. As carefully as he could, Gray rushed down the lamp-lit streets and back home.

He didn't see the shadows following him.

* * * *

He panicked when he saw that you weren't in your bedroom. Your bed sheets was perfectly made and neat. Not a single book had been moved since he had last read a story. And the dead flowers that were starting to wilt, were still sitting on your nightstand.

Nearly dropping the treat in his hand, Gray backed out of your room and started searching the rooms.

"(Y/n)? Oi, kid where the hell are you?!"

After checking his own room, he was about to have a mental breakdown when he caught something out his window. His shoulders rose up then down as he let out a heavy sigh. More calm than before, Gray walked back outside and headed for the backyard.

You giggled, your ice-make butterflies floated around your face, tickling your nose. You reached down and grabbed another flower and sniffed them. Their sweet scent filled you with content and peace.

You heard footsteps crunch on the grass as a person came up behind you. But you didn't pay him mind and just smiled.

"Hi, Gray."

He heavily sighed then said in a tired voice.


You looked over your shoulder and gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. Did I make you worried? I just wanted to new flowers for the vase in my room."

He shook his head. "No, it's fine. I just panicked for a second," He noticed you looking at his hand and remembered the cake in his hand. He handed you the plate. "Stopped by a cafe with the team. Got you a cake."

Your eyes twinkled and you gratefully took the treat and kissed his cheek.

"Ha, thanks Gray!"

"You're welcome," He pecked your forehead and walked around you. "Come on. Let's get inside."


You held on tightly onto your flowers and somehow managed to still eat your cake. Your brother gently rolled your wheelchair forward and started the way back home.

You noticed that he looked more tired than usual and quietly sighed to yourself. You knew he had been working extra hard lately but he always told you to not worry. You feel the chair jump, making you flinch in surprise.

Behind you Gray mutters a curse. "Crap, you okay?"

"Yeah. And Gray?"


"When we get inside, let me bandage up the wound."

He lets out a chuckle. "It's fine. I can do it myse-"

"I don't care. I'm fixing you up as soon as we get inside the house," You say with a strict tone.


You both don't move when you hear a branch snap behind the both of you.

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