We Meet Again (Sting)

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"Sting, we have a special request."

The Sabertooth's guild master, who's already drowning in paperwork, struggles not to growl. Lector, who sits on the desk, glances at him worriedly. Noticing his exceed's concern, Sting takes a deep breath and dismisses the issue with a wave of his hand. Man, his hand hurt so bad...

"Alright, you, Minerva, and J-"

His fellow dragonslayer shakes his head, "No, the client specifically wants it to be you."

Sting spins around in his chair to look at his friend with confusion. Rogue, who obviously feels the same, shrugs.

"That's all the client told us. He said the dark guild terrorizing his town are specialists in corrupt, dark, arts. You're perfect for the job."

"Did he want me to go alone?" Sting asks.

This sounds a bit suspicious.

Rogue shakes his head, "No, he didn't say anything about that. I'll come with you and Yukino and Minerva can take care of the paperwork here."

* * * *

You walk with your friends, laughing at some dumb joke one of them made. Suddenly, your lacrima goes off and you pick it up. Your friends stare at you worriedly, knowing that your job was merciless. You wave them off with a reassuring smile.

You listen to the lacrima and your breath leaves you.

"A-are you sure it's him!? Really? Oh, thank you! I can't wait, sir!"

You hang up the call and shakily put your lacrima away. Your friends see your expression and grip your shoulders,

"What was that about?"

You smile, "Oh it was my boss telling me that my brother's coming to town!"

Both of them share a look before glancing back at you,

"Didn't you say that you've been looking for your brother?"

Your smile transforms into a sad expression. A dark swirl of emotion stirs in your chest. Hurt. Sadness. Betrayal.

You grin excitedly to yourself, "Yeah, I can't believe I'm finally going to see him again!"

You glance up at the sky and your eyes widen a fraction. You wipe the fear from your face before they can notice and start to walk away. You wave farewell as you pick up the pace,

"I'll see you guys later, okay! I've got to go get ready for tomorrow!"

They wave back with encouraging smiles, "Congratulations, (Y/n)!"

* * * *

It's dark by the time they reach town. But the inn said that they were closed. So that meant that they had to resort to sleeping in the forest. Which isn't that bad. Rogue and Sting easily set up camp while their Exceeds lazily watch. The camp was small but would prove to be comfortable when they grew tired.

Lector lights a warm fire and the group sits around it. They all sit close, relishing in its warmth. Eventually, they all get drowsy. One by one they yawn goodnight. All except for the Sabertooth guildmaster.

Sting looks up at the night sky as the fire slowly dims. The lack of the fire's light reveals the true beauty of the stars. They shine ever so brightly above him, twinkling in the darkness. From the corner of his eye, he spots a He smiles to himself.

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