You're A Jerk, You Know? (Laxus)

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It was a normal day at the guild. Everyone else was drinking or partying inside. While, you and your big brother played outside. You were picking flowers while he was sitting by the stream. He found a couple of pebbles and suddenly had an idea.

You hummed as you plucked daisies from the ground when you felt a sudden sting on your back. You cried out and turned around. Laxus was tossing rocks.

"Owww! Laxus, that hurt!" A 14-year old (Name) whined.

The 16-year old smirked.

"Well, what are you gonna do about it?"

You glared at your brother and your hair slowly started to float. He glared back and his hair did the same. You held your hand up high ready to cast a spell. He copied your motion.

"Lightning Strike!" You yelled in unison.

The two lightning strikes clashed together and exploding blowing you both away. You grunted as you fell on the ground. Laxus was already up and had started another spell. Your eyes widened.


The beam came at you with sonic speed. But, you were quicker. You raised your right hand to the sky.

"Static Shield!"

An electric force field blocked Laxus' attack. You were both ready to charge but froze when a voice rang out in the air.

"(NAME)! LAXUS! What the hell are you doing!?"

You both slowly turned to your father. His face was red with rage. Your eyes widened in fear. You started to shake at the very sight of him. Your father made a fist and was ready to strike.

You whimpered and shut your eyestight. But, the hit never came. You opened your eyes and gasped. Your grandpa was gripping your father's fist. He glared at your dad with the most deadliest look. Never in your life, had you seen him like this.

"You will not hit your daughter like that!" Makarov growled. "Ivan, I've had enough of your behavior! You are banished from FairyTail!"

A shocked silence followed. Then, the man called your father walked away without saying a word. The atmosphere was tense until he was officially gone. You sighed with relief but grunted as you were suddenly pushed to the ground.

You looked up at your brother. His fists were clenched.

"It's your fault! It's your fault, he's gone! He left because you were too weak! It would a better off if you were never born!"

He stomped off to who knows where. You just stood there with tears threatening to fall. You wiped them away, you were going to prove him wrong. You whispered even though he wouldn't be able to hear it.

"You're a jerk. You know?"

* * * *

The guild hadn't changed during the last few years. They were still the best. They still fought, partied, drink. Gray was still striping. Natsu was still picking fights with Gray. Erza was still the one to break them up. And your grandfather was still the guild master.

Makarov asked you to move in with him because you were both afraid your father would come back. It was also that you lived with your brother who hated you. You gladly obliged and moved in with the master.

You had become an S-Class wizard before Laxus and retired to help Mira with the bar. You were both serving Lucy and Juvia when the doors slammed open. Everyone looked and gasped.

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