I'm Always With You (Erza)

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So, I thought of a story where Erza's sister (you) uses a special enchantment on her weapons and armor when she is on the brink of death. You are not dead but your soul is sucked into her weapons and armor. You got it? I hope you do cause this may be weird...

"Heaven's Wheel!"

"Enchantment: Razor Edge!"

Your spell created a glowing (f/c) circle on your sister's sword as Erza sliced a dozen men. She sent you a grateful nod and you gave her a thumbs up. More men filled the guild hall. You both looked at each other with a knowing look. Where was the guild master? You and Erza had been fighting the dark guild members for hours and their guild master still hadn't appeared.

You could see your sister's exhaustion and sensed her magic energy. It was slowly decreasing. You were both S-Class wizard, probably the best, but you knew that even you both couldn't last any longer. But, you kept fighting. You fought as armies of wizards kept charging.

Luckily, the fight ended a few minutes later. You and Erza sat down on the floor and panted. You pulled out a bottle of water and tossed it to her. Erza caught it with her hand.


"No problem."

You both sat there in a comfortable silence. But, you were both tense. You didn't let either of your guards' down.

"Maybe the guild master left to find safety."

"You and me know that isn't true. In fact-"

"Sailing Barrage!'

"Enchantment: Stoneflesh!"

You and Erza's skin turned gray as the guild master's attack harmlessly bounced off. You sighed and stood up. You looked down at Erza and offered her your hand. She nodded and grabbed it.

"Enchantment: Poison!"

Erza's swords were suddenly coated with a sickening color of green.

"Heaven's Wheel!"

The guild master dodged most of the swords but two cut his side and arm. He flinched and chuckled.

"So this is the power of the Titania Sisters. I must say, it has been an honor fighting the both of you," He started. A shadow past over his face. "But, you die here."

A blinding light covered his body. When it died down, you uncovered your eyes.

He transformed into a demonic-looking armor and glowed with a crimson aura around him. He had a matching-colored battle axe that was bigger that you.

You and Erza looked at each other. His magic energy just increased. Before you could even comprehend what happened, Erza was sailing in the air. She hit one of the pillars and fell.

"Erza!" You raised your hand "Enchantment: Floatation!"

Your spell caught her in mid-air and placed her gently on the ground. You grunted as he slammed his battle axe against your stomach. You coughed and gritted your teeth. Your magic was only for defense.

There was no way to beat him all by yourself. If only Erza's weapons and armor were stronger. The idea hit you harder than the guild master's attack. You backed away to Erza and knelt down.

"Enchantment: Spiritual Barrier!"

A dome covered you and Erza from danger. You flinched as he tried to attack your shield. You didn't have much time. You grabbed Erza's hand.

"Erza, wake up."

She blinked and looked at you with tired eyes.


"We both know that we won't be able to fight him head-on. We have to combine our magic."

"It's useless. We've been doing the whole time!" She argued.

"That's not what I meant..."

"What? What are you..." Her eyes widened. "No! You can't! You'll die!'

"Erza, I'll always be with you. Wherever you go, I'll be there. Watching over you."

She shook her head as tears flowed from her left eye.


You both gasped as the shield started to crack. You grabbed her shoulders.

"We don't have time! We'll both die if I don't do it!"

"There has to be another way! I won't let you-" You silenced her with a hug.

She didn't hug back. You smiled to yourself and spoke the spell.


Your body started to shimmer in a golden light. Erza finally hugged back and held onto as tight as she could. You smiled despite the tears streaming down your face.

"I'm always with you, Erza. You should know that by now."

Those were your last words before you exploded into dust. The force blew the guild master back. He growled and got back on his feet.

But, what he found was not what he was expecting.

One of the sisters had disappeared. The one before him wore the same armor as him. Except her armor was gold and white. She held a giant sword in her hands that shined with a lively light. He growled again.

"This does not matter. I will still-ARGH!"

Erza sprinted toward him and slashed his waist. It all happened in slow motion. Then, the guild master was flying out through his own doors. And unfortunately for him, his guild hall lived right on top of a cliff. Lucky him, right guys? Erza looked over the edge and at the pit of darkness below. She slowly turned around and headed home. The job was complete...

* * * *

Everyone mourned. Everyone attended. And everyone said you were dead.

The funeral was long past over but Erza stayed. She stared at your grave with an emotionless face. She didn't cry. She knew that would make you unhappy.

So, she just stared. She started to recall those last words. "I'm always with you." You always said that. Every moment of her life she doesn't remember you saying anything else.

She feels something warm on her shoulder and turns around. Your spectral self sadly smiles and places a hand on her tear-stained face. She finally starts crying again and moves to touch your hand. It fades as soon as she tries. Erza looked back at the grave and started casually.

"Everyone says you're dead. But...you're not, are you (Y/n)? You've always been with me. And you will be with me to the end. Right?"

You nodded with a proud smile on your face and turned her around. You gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked into her. Erza's chest was filled with warmth and sudden relief. Your sister took one last look at the grave before walking away.

The next day, Erza walked in the guild with a huge smile on her face.

As if nothing had happened...

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