Fight (Juvia)

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You didn't mind it. Really, you didn't. But others always pitied you. Because your sister was Juvia Lockser. Honestly. It made you pissed off whenever you told someone this. You loved your sister. You didn't care if some rain follows her around.

You slammed your glass down against the counter, startling your friends.

"Shut up."


You stood up from the bar stool, glaring at them. "I said shut up. Don't talk about my little sister that way."

(F/n) giggled. God you didn't realize how annoying it sounded until now. She leaned onto her boyfriend's shoulder with a smirk.

"I'm just saying. It must suck to be sisters with a brat that has a rain clou-"

That was it.

You laughed. Except it sounded cold. Harsh. Forced. Your laughter carried throughout the bar. Your friend tilted her head in confusion and you saw fear flash in her eyes.


You take two large steps toward her and grab her shoulder. She flinches under your grip and cries out. You made sure to look directly in her eyes, a shadow passing over your face.

"Don't. You ever. Say that shit again. Or else I'm going to make sure that when I'm done kicking your ass, no one will recognize you," You leaned in, your mouth curled in a snarl. "Got it?"

* * * *

You threw away the bottle, smashing it against the brick wall. The shards scattered across the concrete sidewalk, little specks littering the ground. Through your hazy, slightly drunk vision, you thought you saw shadows on the walls behind you.


You didn't stop walking.

A hand grabbed your shoulder, yanking you back.

"I said hey! I'm gonna-"

You spun around and kicked the guy's balls. You spat on him. "I'm gonna make you disappear for interrupting my peaceful, drunk stroll."

* * * *

You were sober now. That prick who tried robbing you got in a few good hits. Turned out he was (F/n)'s boyfriend. You realized it after you beat his face into the ground. But who cares? You popped your wrist back into place, grunting in pain.

Heavy rain washed over you. You saw your house a bit ahead and knew it was the right one. It was easy to tell because of the stormy cloud above the roof.

You opened the front door and quietly closed it. You headed for the kitchen, deciding to get a drink of water before getting to bed.

You found your little sister, Juvia, crying. In front of her were those dolls she liked to make. One of them was destroyed and she was desperately trying to sew it back together. You strode across the room and sat down next to her.

She sniffled and barely acknowledged you, her focus on the doll in her hands. You sighed quietly and gently placed your hands on hers. Juvia tensed and you carefully took the thread, needle, and doll.

You tie the needle and begin to sew up the doll.

A few minutes of silence, except for Juvia's sniffling, passed. You smiled with victory and handed her her newly fixed doll.

FairyTail Sister One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें