Only One Who Listens (Cobra)

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"We should go this way."

"No, we've passed that tree 5 times now!"

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"You didn't listen! I've been trying to tell you since-"

You smile at Ultear and Jellal, who are arguing like little children, while Meredy tries to split them up.

You hide your smile. The town's just across the stream...

"Hey guys!" You snap out of your thoughts and see your older brother step between the arguing adults. He blocks them from each other with his hands and looks at the both of them. "(Y/n) says that the town is just across the stream that we passed a while ago."

Jellal calms down and brushed off the argument like nothing happened. He starts to lead the group back to the path. Your brother falls besides you and you pout.

I liked watching them argue.

He grins and shakes his head.

"You're so mean."

You love me.

You both laughed and he put an arm around your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, making you giggle, and ruffled your hair.

* * * *

Your brother sat beside you, his snake friend wrapped around his arm. You kept your distance since you had a slight fear for the creatures.

Your sibling caught your gaze and motioned you to come here. Hesitantly and cautiously, you took a seat next to him. You began to grow nervous under the snake's steely stare. Cobra laughed.

"Don't worry! She's friendly, (Y/n)! Pet her."

You gulp. "I don't think that's such a-EEK!"

You jumped as your older brother literally shoved the reptile into your lap. For a few moments, you just stare blankly at her. Its beady eyes stare right back at you.

You remember to breathe and exhale. You can see your brother grinning from the corner of your eye. Slowly, you reach for the snake's head. The skin surprisingly feel soft, but you can still feel the roughness of her scales. You let the tension go and you smile.


Cobra's grin widens. "Right!?"

His pet tenderly licks your hand before rubbing her head against your palm. You smirk and look at your brother.

"Looks like she likes me more."

He pouts and dramatically raises a fist to the ceiling.


You know that snakes can't smile, at least you think they don't, but it just looked like the snake was laughing at its master. You let a giggle slip past your lips.

For a moment, you aren't worried.

For a moment, the world around you didn't exist...

For a moment, you forgot that you were a tortured slave.

Just. For. A. Moment.

You hadn't heard the guards yelling at you. And you didn't even feel their presence before it was too late. Your brother's eyes widen, the snake had slithered away, and for some reason, Cobra was reaching for you.

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