Dancing On My Own (Laxus)

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Mira and some of the others stood on the stage, playing upbeat tunes. Some of the large tables had been moved to the side for room to dance.

The floor was filled with almost the whole guild. The quiet ones who didn't want to participate just watched from the shadows. But the rest looked like they were having a blast.

How did he get here?

Laxus sweat, instantly regretting the decision to even come down here. People were surrounded all around him, barely giving him room to even breathe.

The stench of alcohol drifted through the air, reminding the S-Class mage that nearly everyone was either about to pass out or throw up. He made sure to distance himself away from people as much as he could.

Somehow he had escaped the horrible and clingy clutches of his team and slipped out of sight. He took a place behind one of the pillars and just decided to watch.

Then, he caught the familiar scent of vanilla among the drunken smell. Laxus flickered his eyes all over the room before stopping at the sight of a couple.

She was grinning, something that she hadn't done in a really long time. He had forgotten how radiant his sister's smile was. Laxus' lips frowned. He had been the reason why she didn't smile. A pit of guilt began to grow.

Natsu grabbed her hand and twirled her in a short spin.

~Someone said you got a new friend~

She laughed again and the sound made the knife digging into his heart dig deeper.

~Does he love you better than I can?~

* * * *



Her eyes had been so bright that day, he swore that they were sparkling with excitement.

"Are you going to dance with me?"

"Go bother someone else, brat."

~There's a big black sky over my town, I know where you're at~

* * * *

Was she seriously with that idiot? Like, he wasn't even her type. His sister didn't have such low standards, right?

~And yeah, I know it's stupid~

But then again...

~I just gotta see it for myself~

Her hand suddenly shot out and pulled on Natsu's scarf. It was a gentle kiss but a kiss nonetheless.

...He was never there for her. How would he know her type?

* * * *

(Y/n) nervously tapped her foot, trying to re-memorize her dance routine. Her heart was racing and she could hear the guild from behind the curtain.

She peeked and felt her stomach drop at the sight of the full guild hall. But even though the whole guild was eagerly sitting in their seats, the girl couldn't spot her brother. Anxiety gripped her heart.

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